Ode To Poe
Dark, decrepit, dreary damned night
Fills my bowels with stones of fright
My eyes shift from the left to the right
While shadows dance in the pale moonlight
No human should walk the earth at this hour
Per chance to meet some unearthly power
I watch, I listen, I dodge, I cower
While heart burns, stomach churns, and mouth tastes sour
The cold wind howls with evil glee
Anticipating my destiny
I know some spectre waits for me
To rend, to end mortality
I watch it standing up ahead
With fingers of bone and eyes of red
Beckoning me to join the dead
I change my path, with feet of lead
I begin to tremble and I can swear
If only in mind, there's something here
And I die in waiting, there's death in fear
Damned night be gone, glorious dawn appear
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