1. The conquered conquer the conquerers.
2. Winners write history
3. History does not repeat itself, but it looks very similar
4. The greatest obstacle facing any emperor or government is that of succession
5.In order to understand the developement of hisory, one must have a religious world view
6.The concept of nations and border is a modern concept
7. The cycle of leadership in history is: monarchy-oligarhcy-democracy-c...
8. History has instances of "ideas in the air." Ideas appear at the same time and in seperate locations
9. Writers have control of the corporate memory
10.There is always a caste system, either formally or informally in every society
11. Historical ignorance or amnesia is the greatest deterrent to historical developement
12.Nature abhors a vacuum
13. There is never a single cause to any historical developement or movement
2 answers
asked by
J. M