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Given that some Democrats accused Clinton of being a "stealth Republican", and
Republicans on the right attacked Clinton on a personal level, why do you think most
Americans liked and voted for him?

2007-05-23 10:33:48 · 5 answers · asked by <333 3 in Arts & Humanities History

5 answers

Clinton said of himself he was governing like an Eisenhower Republican, by reducing the deficit and lowering interest rate freeing up money for investment. The country did well when he was president and for the most part his economic policies were good. He reverse the deficit spending of the government producing 4 years of surpluses and best economy in over 30 years. The reasons most of the attacks against him are on a personnel level is because it is hard to attack the policies so it is either that. or claim the credit for the Republican congress. Given the record of that congress since Bush became president claiming congress was responsible for the good fiscal management is also a tough sell.

2007-05-23 11:29:00 · answer #1 · answered by meg 7 · 1 0

Because he has PERSONALITY and HUMBLE beginnings. He had affairs, THAT was NOT our business as the media put it out, my opinion only.

The Clinton family , even though they are very much in the public eye STILL !, should have been allowed to have the time to deal with it PRIVATELY, as we have and use the right!

He had affairs, so did JFK, and even though he isn't with us anymore, the country knew back then and they STILL love him! IT's a family thing FIRST!

I didn't think it showed other countries that we had repect for our President, that we couldn't let them work it out on their own with the privacy we are ALL entitled to, it was embar- rassing , for the Clintons, for the country, yes, but it was NONE of our business!

I don't think it had a thing to do with the INCREDIBLE JOB he did as president! We weren't in the RED when he left office, W put an end to that!

I think that most people, the ones I talked with anyway, didn't think it made him make bad decisions that made our country prosper and feel like we had a say in what went on in our country.

I found it appalling that every comedian felt it was just awesome for their comedy routine or monologue. I was embarrassed that other people in other countries could just turn on the TV and listen to the people who profitted, even if was just by applause, by airing our dirty laundry in the media and in privacy (where it should have stayed, out of the media until the family could get it together). We showed ALL around the world just how little respect we had for a man who was a MAN OF THE PEOPLE, BEFORE he was a man with a wandering eye. It shamed me and it shamed others, it was the lead story many nights, took up half the news, when there were people dying of starvation,earthquakes that left death in it's wake,.

Guess I'm a litle old-fashioned, but, even though I wasn't particularly fond of the song, but Anne Murray sang it, "A Little Good News Today", we have an "If it bleeds, it leads" attitude, there are too many people more interested in other people's faults than they are in making their OWN lives better for their OWN families.

The whole thing disgusted alot of people.

Yes, he had relationships outside of his marriage, but we knew that in his FIRST term, and we re-elected him because he was a GREAT President. I wish he could run again!

2007-05-23 11:05:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I never voted for him, but I liked him anyway. He was crooked and I know it.
I liked his presidency because he was up against a republican congress. I've always found that when congress is one party and the president is the other party, usually, legislation is in the middle and it is better for the country that way.

2007-05-23 10:43:28 · answer #3 · answered by my_alias_id 6 · 0 1

He seemed friendly and approachable. He kept our country out of war. Other countries leaders liked him. He worked for the American people (example: passing legislation for the Family Medical Leave Act).

2007-05-23 10:37:50 · answer #4 · answered by Urian 3 · 0 2

He had the good fortune of being in office during a period of economic prosperity.

2007-05-23 10:40:37 · answer #5 · answered by CanProf 7 · 1 0

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