Why is it that when people who are Christians and Hindus going to new countries, adapt according to the host Countries.
1.They never ask for special Churches or Temples
2.They never ask for special schools for their children
3.Why do they adapt to the dress and culture
Whereas when Muslims go to another country, even a Christian or a Hindu Country, they insist on having their own schools, Places of Worship, Mosques, they have their own radical dress code, including complete veils, head to toe for their wives. Even they want to be Mayors of Cities in India, Meerut is a prime example, the woman contesting are in Veils and so how will you know who the mayor actually is.
On board buses or trains if these women wear head to toe veils, how will the rest of the travelers react, are there bombers in disguise there.
Most of these Muslims depend on state benefits, depriving the actual citizens of the Country who have worked all their lives and paid taxes, their dues.
They are also fostering terror outfits within the host Country to destroy the Host Country and these people are killing the honest, innocent citizens.
People are afraid to travel in Trains, Planes and even their own cars for fear of Bombings.
What is the solution to the problem now, it seems to escalating into a major disaster.
What happened to that wonderful world that you could go anywhere without being scared or stopped and searched at every point.
I would personally say enough is enough, if you want all these rights and more, why don’t you immigrate to an Islamic state like Pakistan, who clams to be the guardian of the Islamic faith.
Islamic countries will not even allow religious symbols to be taken into their countries. Even a small pendant of a cross would be confiscated at the airport. Whereas UK and the US are even making schools for Muslims, is that fair or right on the ordinary citizen?
4 answers
asked by
ashok kumar
Other - Cultures & Groups