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Australian Rules · Other - Football · Rugby League · Rugby Union

2007-11-24 13:07:26 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Football

Here in America, prospective on draftees in Oz is almost impossible to know.

Just wondering about how Geelong did in the draft. Please educate me.

Harry Taylor, East Fremantle
Dawson Simpson, Murray
Scott Simpson, Dandenong
Dan McKenna, Gippsland
Adam Donahue, Geelong (father-son, Larry)

2007-11-23 15:07:48 · 4 answers · asked by gfcbarracker 6 in Australian Rules

Can this be true? We are not going to see any rule changes next season....Whats going on? Are the rules committee and The AFL taking drugs? Are they playing games with us?

Too many changes each season, Why on earth, do they need to change the rules so often? Aussie rules is the only sport I know, where the rules change every season. Its riduclous.

2007-11-22 23:26:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

Or is it the fairest, but not necessarily the best ? How would you form the criteria for this medal. ?

2007-11-22 13:14:45 · 9 answers · asked by jemima 3 in Australian Rules

Ok, I have set myself up for some colourful answers here, seeing as Adelaidians are a minority on here:)))
Put all of your bias aside and let me know where you think we might finish?
I personally don't think we will make it anywhere near the top 8 and I am a passionate crows girl :(((

Imawunda, give me your best shot buddy!!!!

2007-11-22 08:29:43 · 15 answers · asked by ♥ Aussie Jo ♥ 5 in Australian Rules

For all those who were interested in a tipping comp I have set one up on the AFL site. It is still on this year's but if you register now it carries over to next year. The name of the comp is Yahoo Footy.


To make this a question, who do you think will win?

2007-11-20 13:23:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

US football too uncivilized. If they were real players, they wouldn't have to wear all that equipment.

2007-11-19 22:32:37 · 7 answers · asked by david d 2 in Australian Rules

Please don't tell me that he is a comedian!

If that is his claim to fame then he needs to sack his gag writers & hire some new ones. The other cast members try hard to laugh at his corny one-liners but it is becoming increasingly more difficult for them to put on a good act.

He is an embarrassment. My wife reckons he must have signed a lengthy contract with C9 otherwise he'd be given the flick.

If I'm told, in here, that he IS funny then I, & my immediate circle of friends, ourselves have no sense of humour as we all think he is a drop-kick.

Maybe it's a Victorian sense of humour we lack, eh?

2007-11-19 18:14:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

The Carlton F. C.merchandise shop has sold out of no 5 Jumpers since it was announced the new PRINCE of the park will wear the number next season. One lady seller, is reported to have said "his first years contract is just about paid for" . what an amazing bunch of nuf nuts, these CARLRTON people are . They have "BAGGED" the bloke for years in a EAGLES no 3, now they reckon he is a hero, and he hasn't had a kick for them yet !

2007-11-14 12:19:12 · 14 answers · asked by deedubya 5 in Australian Rules

I`m seeing a lot of thumbs down here lately.....reckon someones got about 4 accounts going........ I wunda who? Can you lighten up & take a joke mate!!

2007-11-11 16:54:52 · 14 answers · asked by Richo Fev 5 in Australian Rules

Even if we haven't actually played the game?
or is it illegal?


2007-11-10 23:10:13 · 12 answers · asked by ♥ Aussie Jo ♥ 5 in Australian Rules

fanatical about AFL
love AFL
like AFL
enjoy the odd game of AFL
don't care about AFL either way
hate AFL

personally id say i love my footy.

2007-11-10 22:22:16 · 22 answers · asked by FORKY 5 in Australian Rules

2007-11-10 16:28:03 · 13 answers · asked by Mary R 1 in Australian Rules

So, the umpires are blowing the whistle a but more often, and some people are saying our games like netball now. I say its still one hell of a tough sport, and if you`re not hard, the likes of Archer & the Roo (retired, I know) will knock ya block off. What do you guys think?

2007-11-09 20:49:21 · 17 answers · asked by Richo Fev 5 in Australian Rules

With all the negativity surrounding the EAGLES, Ben Cousins and other West Coast players, would you still "purchase a meal" from "Hungry Jacks" or are you put off by the fact your COKE may contain ICE!

2007-11-08 09:11:45 · 11 answers · asked by deedubya 5 in Australian Rules

2007-11-08 03:28:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Football

If you had to make your own AFL team what would you do.

1. What state would they be from?

2. What will you call them?

3. What Animal/Thing will follow there name?

4. What colors?

5. Who would be the coach?

6.What would be the theme song?

Ok ...Have Fun!!!!!

2007-11-06 22:18:17 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

2007-11-04 07:36:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

I saw it in the paper on Friday and think its an excellent update to the traditional Cats logo.


2007-11-03 14:40:19 · 15 answers · asked by PLANET ROGUE-POP: 1 6 in Australian Rules

I have tried Carltons website but i cant find any info, does anyone know?

2007-11-03 11:07:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

to any carlton supporters or genral afl supporters, do u expect carlton to thump richmond in round 1?

2007-11-01 23:36:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

... the amount of thumbs down I get!! Only this time, he may have recruited some extra plebs to attack us girls.

imawunda is obviously back, and guess what people...he had a big cry over everyone blocking him and yep...now hes blocked me *coughcowardcough*...

Oh, my footy question....who would you prefer to have the wooden spoon: WCE or Carlton ??

2007-11-01 23:10:24 · 14 answers · asked by PLANET ROGUE-POP: 1 6 in Australian Rules

What background does Matthew Knights have in coaching, does anyone know?

To me, he seemed to come unheralded out of left field.

2007-11-01 15:50:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

Is this a pre-season activity fo players, so that the scabs and infection clear up before round 1. ?

2007-10-30 22:17:22 · 3 answers · asked by jemima 3 in Other - Football


Everybody thinks they are getting cheated. First to whine has been Melbourne and Richmond.

2007-10-25 15:05:44 · 7 answers · asked by gfcbarracker 6 in Australian Rules

The media are a bunch of tools. Andrew Johns comes out and tells us all about how he took drugs for so long, while he was playing, while he wasn't, the full deal. But for some reason because he turned it into a sob story about how hard his life was, the media portray him as some sort of 'battler' and its ok.

Yet cousins, who chooses to remain silent (because everything he says will probably be misquoted by the media) is called arrogant, sleazy, and apparently deserves everything he gets?

The fact that he is in trouble with the police does contribute to it, but I still feel as though he has gotten the wrong end of the stick simply because he is what most media people wish they were - rich, well known, good looking


2007-10-22 12:26:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

It doesn't matter what time I go on, it seems like it takes ages to load up. And when clicking on different sites within the AFL website, it takes just as long to come up. It pisses me off, especially when I am doing my footy tips.

I have broadband connection, but I see that this is the only site I have problems with. All other sites are lightening quick.

2007-10-21 19:13:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

Where would they be, what would be there mascot and what colours would they where? Other details are optional.


2007-10-20 21:05:55 · 17 answers · asked by Master Chief El Diablo 2 in Australian Rules

Are you people jealous?

Look at Lleyton Hewitt, Wayne Carey, and Greg Norman....these sports man are prime examples of people's jealousy. If you you had done the same thing as Ben Cousin's....you would not make the news. Why? Because you are not as high profile as he is.

Ben is only human, like you and me. Give him a fair go. Just because he has money and is out of control.....you can't just kick him while he is down. The bloke needs help... not your critisim and jealousy. Aussies are known to help the out in all sorts ways when it comes to charity and natural disasters, but are also quick to shoot down a HIGH PROFILE personallity.

P.S I know you are going to give me sh*T, but at least I can say...I never ever put anyone down because they have money and fame.

2007-10-19 15:07:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules