What counts:
Physical Challenge
What doesn't count:
Mental Challenge
Losing Weight
Environment difficulties
Why Doesn't it count:
Mental Challenge: It is pretty hard to concentrate for that long, but we don't consider gamers a sport.
Losing Weight: Yes, you loss a lot of weight during a race because of how much they sweat. I am a wrestler and we constantly checks our weight. From my experience, I know that you can loss weight just by sitting and do nothing. Its because of their clothing, it acts like a sweat pants and jacket.
Environment difficulties: Its their own fault driving in summer heat, why don't they switch it to winter. People are considering the heat like they must drive in it.
What counts:
Physical Challenge....ummm don't think so unless you count moving those steering wheels physical
Competition, there is competition in any racing
so i ask my friends, "why do you like nascar?"
Answer: awesome crashes, drunk girls, and beer.
29 answers
asked by
Jie W