I read history and yet i have not found any king or queen from the british isle that i like,seems to me there all evil lecherous power hungry,even to murder or in James the VI case,note protest very strongly as to result in his mother getting the axe(he was next in line for the England job if his mum was gone) from her cousin Liz the 1st for the setup job of plotting agin her.Is there no lows to there thirst for power.Some believe in the devine right of kings,maybe it should be the devine right of swines.I have books on many of the royals, i cant find anything good. Why ? I have not read anything of the latter day royals,but of the ones who started whitch hunts and dug up dead people just to put on trial to obtain landsiv read alot of.Where was God in all this evil and monster behaviour ? They used God as a tool for there evil,and now they are judged by Him now,so i will leave it at that. Just name me One good King or Queen that i may research and be proud to call my King my Queen
14 answers
asked by
marco f