Some people make more than others.
Generally speaking the differences are a matter of timing (most of us spend some time in four different income "quintiles" over the course of our career, and the average age of the top "quintile" is about 20 years older than the average age of the "bottom" quintile), geography (you're paid more, and it costs more to live, in Manhattan than in Fayetteville), decisions (college-educated workers are generally paid more per year than non-college-educated workers, but they started work four or more years later and went $100K or more into debt), and for what we do (blue collar workers generally perform a repetitive, straightforward task for a set period of time per day, while high-paid white collar workers use analytical reasoning and judgment to solve problems as they arise, have to stay until they solve the problem and if their solution doesn't work, they can be fired).
How is any of this "unfair?"
And if it's not "unfair," why change it?
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