Now Imagine theres a point 'A' vertically above the surface of earth. the distance of point A from the horizontal plane is given by X metres .also, imagine theres no atmosphere.
Now Imagine from within that point A , a chain {made of identical oval shaped rings linked sequentially} keeps on appearing {materializing}
and it starts to fall down due to gravity and hits the ground.the liks which appear from within point A are static and are pulled down by the links below them i.e., the faster you pull the faster the new links materialize. now what will be the velocity of the chain { particularly the rings} when they hit the ground if X = 20 metres .(remember the chain keeps on materializing from the point A}.
i think the terminalvelocity of the chain can be given by Vt = squarerootof (Xg)
where g = acceleration due to gravity(take g= 10 m/s^2).
now sqrroot of(20*10) = , here Vt = 14.14.
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