Suppose you represent time on a straight line. Like in geometry when finding the absolute value between 2 points. OK so lets say R equals the rate of time, and its set at 0 on the line. R is in constant motion. Never slowing or speeding up. And the constant motion of R is equal to U, the rate at which the universe expands. So F is the positive number line and P is the negative number line. F representing time to come, and P representing time passed. If you wanted to relive a point on the line, how would you? In my theory, to go back in time or to go into the future is to move forward at a speed to which the universe's expansion is the same at which you started to travel. You move so fast that when you reach the point it's like going there the same time twice. Time creates a dimension with every little bit of expansion of the universe. The smallest amount possible. Which also could be infinite, saying that something is nothing. Coming back to where you started would be hard.
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