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Biology - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Science & Mathematics Biology

2007-03-27 23:43:01 · 3 answers · asked by little.clown 2

2007-03-27 22:27:29 · 4 answers · asked by sasikala s 1

So basically its a Extended Prac and we're allowed to do anything and i really want to do animal behaviour (the whole reason i took biology in the first place) but i don't know how im gunna do Animal behaviour without it turning into like a thesis length assignment, ie. keeping it to a yr12 standard not pro... i dont know if that makes sense but yeah :P Ideas would be VERY appreciated :)

The task is : "You are to undertake a scientific research project on a topic of your choice." pretty vague huh... so it has to include like experiments/trials... stuff we can make conclusions from etc. so I dunno wat u can do with animals and their behaviour that limits the millions of variables and allows u to make specific conclusions... and something that isnt goin to take a year to do.......... :S

2007-03-27 21:16:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-27 20:03:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

and which of these is likely to show the most deleterious effects of its chromosomal imbalance?

2007-03-27 19:34:28 · 2 answers · asked by mntnbik8 3

a. through holes in their cell walls
b. through their membranes
c. with their nuclei

2007-03-27 18:53:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous


1) The chain of eukaryotic hemoglobin is composed of 141 amino acids. What is the minimum number of nucleotides in an mRNA coding for this polypeptide chain? Assuming that each nucleotide is 0.34nm long in the mRNA, how many triplet codes can simultaneously occupy space in a ribosome that is 20nm in diameter

2) The synthesis of flower pigments is known to be dependent on enzymatically controlled biosynthetic pathways. Postulate the role of mutant genes and their products in producing the observed phenotypes in the crosses shown
a) P1: white strain A x white strain B
F1 : all purple
F2 : 9/16purple, 7/16wite

b) P1 : white x pink
F1 : all purple
F2 : 9/16pruple, 3/16pink, 4/16white

2007-03-27 18:39:29 · 1 answers · asked by Lilac 2

I want to know if we need bones to survive. If we have muscles all over our body and I mean very strong muscles so that there is no requirement for bone support, do we still need bones? The special part of male human body has no bone but it works when in need right? So why can't we be comprised of such muschels all over and than we don't need bones. CraZy question I quess.

2007-03-27 18:27:34 · 6 answers · asked by arampetr 1

1.) How is it more difficult for a biologist to understand the diversity of prokaryotes as compared to plants and animals?

2.) Describe how viruses and prions can change the way a cell works?

3.) What are some traits scientists might have used when they decided to divide the prokaryotes into Archaebacteria and Eubacteria?

Please help me with some of these questions.


2007-03-27 18:22:26 · 2 answers · asked by brain_boy 3

How long does it take for sperm to reach the egg?
How long does it take them to swim from the vagin.a, thru the cervix and uterus, and up thru the fallopian tubes to the egg? Like how many minutes/hours?

2007-03-27 18:12:02 · 1 answers · asked by ♫Hope♫ 6

What is the difference between slow-twitch fatigue resistant, slow twitch fatigable, fast twitch fatigable and fast twitch fatigue resistant muscle fibers in terms of their physiology.

2007-03-27 18:07:05 · 2 answers · asked by RcJones 2

1. When you push the diaphragm up does the internal volume (thoracic cage) increase or decrease?
2. When you push the diaphragm up does the internal pressure increase or decrease?
3. When you push the diaphragm up does the size of the balloons (LUNGS) increase or decrease?
4. When you push the diaphragm up does the direction of the air flow go into the lungs or out of the lungs.
5. When you PULL the diaphragm DOWN does the internal volume of the bell jar (thoracic cage) increase or decrease?
6. When you PULL the diaphragm DOWN does the internal pressure increase or decrease?
7. When you PULL the diaphragm DOWN does the size of the balloons increase or decrease?
8. When you PULL the diaphragm DOWN does the direction of the air flow into the lungs or out of the lungs?

2007-03-27 18:02:29 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-27 17:47:42 · 2 answers · asked by brain_boy 3

2007-03-27 17:45:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

e. 3 billion

2007-03-27 17:30:00 · 13 answers · asked by Tony 1

2007-03-27 17:29:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Energy is used in the manufacture of fertilizers, to grow crops. We then extract food energy from these crops
a)Trace the energy path through the various steps in this process.
b)If more thermal energy is put into the process than food energy is gained from the process, should we abandon the practice of manufacturing fertilizers?

please give me a hint or idea how to do this assignment.


2007-03-27 17:09:12 · 3 answers · asked by for2000 3

What is 2 times 2?
I told you it waz hard.

2007-03-27 16:36:59 · 11 answers · asked by live.laugh.love♥ 3

Why is it important that the four newly formed cells differ in chromosome info?

2007-03-27 16:35:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-27 16:24:00 · 2 answers · asked by kenyatta 2

2007-03-27 16:18:46 · 8 answers · asked by Bio student 2

2007-03-27 16:11:51 · 3 answers · asked by Science_nut6011 1

2007-03-27 16:01:30 · 4 answers · asked by Brian R 1


Do we believe in it?!

I personally don't...

what about every one else?

2007-03-27 15:59:35 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

When amino acid sequences of insulin isolated from different organisms were determined, some differences were noted. Alanine was substituted for threonine. Serine was substituted for glycine, and valine was substituted for isoleucine. For each amino acid indicate the original mRNA codon, then explain the single base substitution that produced the change.

Threonine__________ > Alanine__________

Glycine__________ > Serine__________

Isoleucine__________ > Valine__________

I dont know how to answer this question! hope some1 can help me. Thank you!

2007-03-27 15:43:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

and the usefulness of the dissection?

2007-03-27 15:30:29 · 6 answers · asked by Hang 3

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