Whenever the abortion debate comes up, people always go back to the same old question, "When does life begin?"
This is not a scientific question. This is a question that was invented by the pro-abortion activists to divert attention away from the fact that abortion is still murder.
I'm an athiest. I'm only looking at this scientifically...
The human sperm cells are alive. They are sex cells that contain half of the genetic code needed to make up our 46 chromosones.
Ova cells are likewise alive. They contain the other half of the genetic code.
When a sperm cell enters an ova a new cell is made. This cell is too alive and it is called a zygote. The zygote has all 46 chromosones in tact (half coming from the father, half from the mother). You now have a human being. 46 chromosones = human.
When did life begin? WHEN DID IT EVER END? The father is alive, the mother is alive, the sperm are alive, the ova is alive, the zygote is alive...EVERTHING IS ALIVE!!!
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