i have this wksht. for earth science (im a freshman) and i have to match the measurements with the items, or places. measurements are: 1 cm, 10 cm, 1 m, 10m, 100m, 1 km, 10 km, 100km, 1000 km, 10,000km, 100,000km, 1 million km, 10 million km, 100 million km, & 1 billion km. the objects place things are: basketball, classroom, deepest depth or pacific ocean, denver to kansas city, depth of grand canyon, distance of sun from earth, earth to moon, earths diameter, height of a doorway, height of mt. everest, jupiters diameter, length of california, milky way galaxy, moons diameter, nashville to nyc, nearest star(other than sun), ping pong ball, san fransisco to new york, softball, sun to saturn, suns diameter, the high school, width of a door, and width of a light switch lever
so i have to match the places/objects with the measurements
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