This question is to determine the mathmatical process to calculate: Azimuth, Elevation, and Time of Firing of a hypothetical rifle firing a bullet (2500 FPS Muzzle Velocity - 180 Grain Copper Jacket Bullet) at the Sun from a theoretical orbiting space station (estimated fixed altitude 100 miles - stationary orbit over Cape Hatteras, NC). Please disregard the radiation and heating efects of the Sun and assume it is of planet like composition, possibly that of Mars. For purposes of this question we would like to have the bullet projectile attempt to strike the surface of the Sun to see the math involved. Please use Miles, Miles per hour, etc., and not metric units. I pose this question as a result of answering someone else's question and realized that I lacked the knowledge to complete the calculations necessary. Also, given the enormous pull of the Sun's gravity (in comparison with Earth's) would you estimate the changes bullet velocity during flight..
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