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Government - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Government

2006-08-24 05:44:03 · 10 answers · asked by single714_luis 1

2006-08-24 05:38:55 · 13 answers · asked by Hoosier9580 1

What dept. was it?
What was your compalint?
What was the outcome?

2006-08-24 05:14:52 · 9 answers · asked by frommetayou 2

.S. President to take a ride on a steam locomotive while in office

2006-08-24 05:08:12 · 22 answers · asked by cheryl_41_1999 1

2006-08-24 04:26:08 · 4 answers · asked by fayem_48 1

9/11 was nothing when u look at gun shot accidents in the USA...
so why do u care of the 9/11 when more people die of gun shots???

2006-08-24 03:26:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If president Clinton had still been president now, do you think he would have handled things better/stopped the war from happening? i think president bush is such a d**khead

2006-08-24 03:17:33 · 36 answers · asked by Life In Technicolor 4

I was just wondering people's thoughts on the idea that it was just a huge government conspiracy. I have watched the movie Loose Change and I have to say it does raise questions. I just don't understand why our government would even do something like that. Who thinks it is a terrorist act or what do you think the deal is? I'm just curious as to other people's thoughts, I don't want to offend anyone or anything, I think it was a terrible thing and my ♥ goes out to everyone who lost someone, I'm just wondering about all the info that seems fishy. Thank you and please no stupid or rude comments. Thanks!♥

2006-08-24 03:13:33 · 23 answers · asked by ♥USMCwife♥ 5

2006-08-24 02:59:16 · 18 answers · asked by Iwillnottellyou 2

What predicitions do you have for the policies she would implement and what fallout/benefits would we see?

2006-08-24 02:38:12 · 16 answers · asked by Shrek'shandsomeidenticaltwin 3

name the palce where the first samathuvapuram was opened.

2006-08-24 02:34:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-24 02:12:43 · 9 answers · asked by yars232c 6

Tell us why you really hate the current president of america

please answer is a senseab;e manner no unwanted answers please

2006-08-24 02:09:24 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

You are doing this on your own. The medical system has failed in its duty of care of an older person. You are told, "it is just the system". Do you put up a fight or just accept and move on. You really are on your own with this one.

2006-08-24 02:06:15 · 7 answers · asked by Red Robin 3

Seeing that-
Engineering Magazine "Popular Mechanics" debunked the 9/11 myths (John McCain also Chimes in):

And a guide to "loose change" has sprung up that answers every sneering accusation the video makes line by line:

In the face of all this reason, how can anyone still believe it was a conspiracy by the government?

Are they just stupid? Or is it that they "want" to believe and pin some holocaust type human moral crime on this administration?

1) If the government has the resources to plan and orchestrate 9/11 and doesn't mind killing 3000 people, why wasn't the college kid who made the 9/11 conspiracy video "loose change" killed?

2006-08-24 01:30:08 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Clinton beat Geo HW Bush because Perot split the Republican ticket. Geo W Bush beat Gore because Nader split the Democrat ticket. If we're gonna have 3rd party candidates, shouldn't we also have run-offs (if no candidate gets more than 50% of the votes)? Also... is it time to do away with the electoral college???

2006-08-24 01:27:34 · 9 answers · asked by Reddigo 2

Clinton beat Geo HW Bush because Perot split the Republican ticket. Geo W Bush beat Gore because Nader split the Democrat ticket. If we're gonna have 3rd party candidates, shouldn't we also have run-offs (if not candidate gets more than 50% of the votes)? Also... is it time to do away with the electoral college???

2006-08-24 01:26:52 · 3 answers · asked by Reddigo 2

I am not saying I hate liberals. We need liberals, we need balance. But why is there so much bulls*** on this forum about crazy conspiracie like "the U.S. went to war in Iraq for oil" or "9/11 was a hoax" or "Bush is trying to control the world"??? I don't agree with everything he does either, but this is just propaganda. The same people that criticize him for being stupid magically think he is capable of pulling of 9/11 and steal all of Iraq's oil.

2006-08-24 01:24:18 · 5 answers · asked by froggy 2

2006-08-24 00:53:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

A) The US must remember its history with Iran. Pro-West reform efforts - including the 1953 CIA coup that installed the Shah - incited the Islamic Revolution. US-led regime change would once again empower the most backward and hardline elements of radical Islam. The people of Iran must set their own course for freedom. Meanwhile, the US must turn to its EU partners to push for stricter inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities.

B) The US is simply not positioned to stop Iran's seemingly inevitable drive to acquire nuclear weapons. But as it did with the Soviet Union and China before, America can contain and deter Iran's mullahs and their nuclear leverage. Hard-line Islamic rule in Iran is bankrupt and doomed to failure - democratic reformers will eventually seize the day. Patience and pressure, not preemptive war should guide America's approach toward Iran.

2006-08-24 00:42:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

There should be mass protest regarding this terrible tax. I cant afford to get on the property ladder and still live at home with parents and if they die I will have to sell their hse to pay 40% to the gov and probably buy a caravan. Its a disgrace. What can we do???

2006-08-24 00:37:03 · 20 answers · asked by Star 2

How can a person escape a man-hunt of 10,000's of people, billions of dollars and bountry on his head of millions, esp. when apparently we know he is in the Pakistan/Afganistan mountains. Is the "might" of the American army not enough to go in and search cave by cave, house by house or is there something we are not being told???

2006-08-24 00:35:37 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-24 00:33:24 · 12 answers · asked by Piffle 4

I'm a syrian person ( because mu parents are )
I hadn'e enogh education ( because my counrt don't offer that)
I might me idiot ( no one teachem me to be a gentle )
but I'm still a human

2006-08-24 00:11:14 · 11 answers · asked by Michel M 1

anything that the President does...is it just that the media selects suitable 'Yes men and Women' to interview.......Do you think that Bush will get in again..it is so obvious that he is nuts!!!

2006-08-23 23:13:43 · 22 answers · asked by tee_hee_ssh 3

2006-08-23 23:13:04 · 7 answers · asked by ENAKSHI S 2

Want to find out more on the specifications on prequalification, tender assessment and contract drafting used in other countries.

2006-08-23 22:39:20 · 1 answers · asked by phenom 2

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