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What is the injection one to it because i cat take tables ! its not for birth crontrol it for women thing ! how long doe its last the thing last in side you
sorry i am really think
i am 16

2007-12-29 21:23:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

well...I'm 19 but my breasts are too small...any way to grow it ??
PLEASE answer seriously...thank you for your help

2007-12-29 21:08:36 · 10 answers · asked by ????? 1

I have been on Merina since May 2007, it is almost January and I have gotten sick to my stomach 4 times this week heartburn twice, period this month was "spotting" and usually i dont have a period at all when i am pregnant. I have already had 3 babies. Never had a period like this!?! I have been reading all this stuff about women thinking they are pregnant while having an iud but no one comes back to say if they were pregnant or not. I am scared any advice would be appreciated. Oh yeah, last months period started about Nov 22nd and was completely normal. Took two home tests yesterday and they said negative! Trying to debate on going to doctor.

2007-12-29 19:56:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know a calcium suppliments, exercise, and good food habbits are in order but still what would someone be facing in like 15-20 yrs on the depo?

2007-12-29 19:42:45 · 2 answers · asked by mistista07 6

I'm 18 and this year I've lost 44lb/20kgs. I was just slightly over weight to begin with and now I'm a healthy weight. My breast have always been large. When I was 14 I was a D-DD and since then they've gotten larger. At the moment I'm a DD-E. I'm 5'9/175cm 140lb/60kgs. I eat healthy, exercise and drink a lot of water. I don't smoke, do drugs and I drink very occasionally.

I live in New Zealand and it's quite hard to find bras that fit me (unless they're maternity bras, which I refuse to wear!). I can't buy online because I don't have a credit card (and my Mum won't let me use hers).

I have a back and neck injury and I'm quite often in pain. My breasts obviously don't help this.

I spoke to my Mum about it today and she said that next time I go to the doctor I should talk about getting a breast reduction and she would pay for some of it.

I would be happy if I was a C cup.

Would I be too young to get a breast reduction? And does insurance cover this surgery? Is it effective?

2007-12-29 19:23:34 · 18 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

Im sick of getting it always at the end of the month because that is when most partys and celebrations i attend are hosted, so i would rather get it in the beginning of each month, anybody know of any ideas i could try, in order to change the time of the month? Thanks in advance....

2007-12-29 18:48:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

how long does it take for it to work on full effect? because i started taking it 3 weeks ago and have hadunprotected sex but he has pulled out before he has came. so just wondering.

2007-12-29 18:47:31 · 4 answers · asked by hollywood 1

i got my period when i was fourteen and now im 17...and recently my shoe size went up to a nine instead of a 8. and i thought i noticed my breast were growing. so could they be growing if infact my shoe size still is!!! what size were you at 17 and what size are you now. dont answer if it was just weight gain that caused a major growth!!!

2007-12-29 18:17:28 · 1 answers · asked by Bird Girl 2

Should I go with a get thin quick miracle diet pill like 7-DFB or something that promises slower but more sustained results like Hamcho Slim?

2007-12-29 17:27:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom is 48 and i am 16. for the first time a couple months ago my mom told me she had breast implants since before i was born. i was absolutely SHOCKED!!!!! then she went on to tell me how my grandma, my aunt, and my mom's cousin all have them too. then i was ultra shocked...i always thought i would have bigger breasts like them and was starting to wonder why they are so small. i am A or AA. heck i don't know. i think i want them when i get older. it makes me feel selfconscious sometimes. what age could i get them? how could i ask my mom? i only want something proportional to my body. like B cup. i am 5'11" and 135 lbs.

2007-12-29 17:25:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 24, almost 25, 5'3, 190lbs and wear a 36DD bra. I used to weigh 250 and wore a 38D then, but when I lost weight, I went up a cup size. I am still losing weight and working at it harder, wanting to tone up and build muscle through exercise instead of just dieting now. I really want to be able to have my chest shrink up without having to have breast reduction surgery. How likely is it that my bust will shrink if I get down to, say 140 lbs when I grew losing 60 lbs?

2007-12-29 17:15:47 · 6 answers · asked by M 3

ok. here's the deal.

my periods are always usually exactly the same day every month. if it isnt its usually only a day off.

last month it was the 29th. month before: 29th. month before THAT 28th. etc. etc....

it is ALWAYS heavy the first day of my period. and 90 something percent of the time it always starts in the morning.

me and my husband had unprotected sex on the 25th, christmas. today i was supposed to start [29th] BUT i didnt start in the morning. so i thot maybe id be a day late. but TONIGHT i went to the bathroom and it was VERY light bleeding. like brownish on the pad and like a few drops pinkish when i wiped. [TMI.... sorry lol] this is weird bc its usually ALWAYS heavy and in the morning the first day. im not bleeding anymore for now. it was just that little bit. as a matter of fact, i have NEVER bled that little on the first day. BUT i had a little bit of cramps a little bit ago.

could this be a sign of pregnancy??

2007-12-29 17:04:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well since about a few months ago I have had this on and off problem. I throw up randomly usually in the shower.It is not a lot the most I have thrown up was like 1/4 cup I know this sounds really gross but I would really appreciate some helpful answers. Most of the time I can hold it back but I really would rather not. I haven't had any major things in my life change or anything so I am really lost. Wel actually I was diagnosed w/ depression back in Oct. but I feel a lot better now I didn't take any ati-depressants or go to a srhink I am just a lot happier now, thankfully. I tryied telling my mom about it a couple of months ago but I was smilling when I was telling her it so she though that I was just doing it for attention which mad me sad. Sometimes I laugh or smile when I am nervous so that really stinks. The thing is I don't feel dizzy or sick after I throw up I feel fine and it hasn't affected my wieght at all. I am 13 105-110 lbs and 5' 2".Should I be worried?

2007-12-29 17:01:32 · 3 answers · asked by Elizabeth T 2

2007-12-29 16:58:29 · 1 answers · asked by Rose B 1

There4, he let go inside of me. I just got on birth control this month, but only took it 4 eight days. I kinda 4got about them because I had just had surgery on my teeth, and I was taking antibotics and pain medicine. My cycle 4 Nov. started to spot on the 22nd, but actually came on the 24h. It stayed on until the 14th of December. My mom said since I started the b/cpills over is probably the reason it stayed 4 two weeks.(It stayed on 4 three weeks foreal.) One girl told me that there is only 1 week out of a month to get pregnant, & that's the cycle week. So, do you think I could still have the possibility of being pregnant????!!!!

2007-12-29 16:49:37 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its been 44 days since my last period. And no im not preg so dont even think about it. So...wats the deal? I have slight cramps...i guess. Im not sure.


2007-12-29 16:46:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


i have to pee often but when i go theres barely anything, also its uncomfortable to go and sometimes the urine is light brown and i get lots of white discharge


2007-12-29 16:46:40 · 8 answers · asked by vgvg10 1

hmm.. i eat alot.. but i cant gain weight.. im sick of people telling me that im skinny.. esp gurls.. what else can i do? ive gone to the doctor and ive done all them biochem tests.. glucose, thyroid and liver function tests, cholesterol.. everything.. even all them std tests.. but im all normal.. except for my iron studies.. my ferritin is kinda low but ive been taking iiron tablets since the test..

the doctor said im fine.. and that thurs nuthin wrong with me.. but im just sick of them comments from people.. it really affect me and causes me emotional stress.. one my of mom's friend's husband even asked if im anorexic.. that really hit me.. :( .. but i dont kno what else to do?? i take vitamins.. eat heaps.. ok this is what i eat..

breakfast.. bacon.. milo.. eggs.. bread
lunch.. hmm always has rice.. dish..
dinner.. sometimes i eat 2 rounds of dinner..
... plus snacks..

what else can i do?? :(

2007-12-29 16:37:34 · 26 answers · asked by kitana 2

it will be 12 weeks on wednesday since I had my last shot. I want to know if I will be protected if I have unprotected sex on monday?

2007-12-29 16:31:44 · 2 answers · asked by RebelCowgirl 1

No creams,operations or unhealthy things.

2007-12-29 16:24:21 · 17 answers · asked by Amber 2

Has anyone experienced a copper iud fall out and if so how did it feel??

2007-12-29 16:19:01 · 1 answers · asked by ProudCoastieWifey 1

My friend breast are two diffferent cup size (D and DD). Some times you can't even tell, but she been thinkin about it and still is unsure. She complains that biger one gives her a lower back problem, but does not want risk her life for it. what do you all think. Are there any risk in that.

2007-12-29 15:18:53 · 5 answers · asked by anie 1

I have really thick pubic hair, and I shave it. It's really not much of a problem, but around my front area it has hair stubs and it hurts to shave, and bleeds after. I'd really like to find some type of way to make it very thin, so it would be easier and more comfortable to shave and also so I wouldn't have little black stubs that are impossible to get rid of.

2007-12-29 15:05:13 · 6 answers · asked by Alexandra 2

what should i eat to gain weight. for some reason i never feel like eating.Can someone give me a diet plan to follow so i can gain weight at least a 100pds i never weighed over 95pds but i would like to weigh 105 or possibly 100pds. i have anemia and low sugar the doctor said, i can't ask the doctor anymore question because i don't have medical. so please someone give me a diet plan and will follow

2007-12-29 14:41:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-29 14:33:16 · 1 answers · asked by rick w 1

Is it weight that will just not come off no matter what you try? I'm typically a small person (5'2 and 130) but in the course of six months, I put on 40lbs without changing my diet. I used to be on birth control and read that it can cause permanent weight gain but I had 8 regular periods that just stopped way after I stopped birth control and no matter what I do, I can't even lose a pound. I've tried talking to my doctors, and all they tell me is that "maybe you should consume less calories" or "you should get a personal trainer." I am in the gym for 1hr and a half and doing Tae-Bo and Hip Hop Abs regularly. For an entire month, I went low carb, low-fat, low-calorie and lost NOTHING. Could this be hopeless? I was thinking of seeing another doctor but my insurance requires a referral that my primary care providers (university health clinic) are refusing to write. My thyroid and pituitary levels, I was told are okay but I will be asking for a copy of the results.

2007-12-29 14:26:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-29 14:25:54 · 1 answers · asked by l 1

i am a virgin but I messed around with my boyfriend 3 months ago. We did not have actual penetration but were intament. I have had my period for the past 2 months but this month it's late.

2007-12-29 14:25:30 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous