I'm 14 and I'm tired of pads, and I wanna be able to swim if I'm on my period! I'm having trouble putting a tampon in, though. I've read lots about inserting them, and my mom's tried to help, but nothing's working. Whenever I try to put one in, it either hurts, I feel pressure, or it won't go in. I know about hymens, and I don't think mine is broken yet, but it shouldn't hurt, anyway to break mine with a tampon. Also: I know where my vagina is, but where EXACTLY do I put the tampon in?? There's your urethra, your vagina, then your anus. My vagina is long and when I put the tampon in the front of it, towards my urethra, it won't go. It also won't go in the middle. In the back, by my anus, it goes in a little but then stops. Am I in the right spot? Also: I know about inserting it at an angle, so that shouldn't be the problem either. Please help!!
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