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Men's Health - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Men's Health

myboyfriend has a hernia that went from his lower side and now slips into his testicles when he stands. Anyone heard of this?

2006-10-04 16:11:18 · 12 answers · asked by tenaj elleby 1

Okay, me and my boyfriend were alone and i was making hand love to him and I guess I was going to hard and I ripped his foreskin skin (he is not circumcised, well i guess now he is) now when he has "hand sex" with himself he begins to bleed, but not everytime, only when he gets "hard" or when he begins to go limp I ripped that connecting skin attatched to his pee-pee, I want him to go to a doctor but he isnt takeing this very seriously, Could anything really bad come from this? He told me once when he was younger that he did the same thing and that it was called "Self circumcision" and that the doctors at the time told him it was normal for males that arent circumcised to have that happen to them, What should I do? or what should HE do? And what bad could come from this? What advice will the doctor give? He only bleeds when he is hard or begins to go limp, and its not ALOT of blood and not everytime he makes hand love to himself . im 16 he is 19 and im worried. please help?

2006-10-04 16:05:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

just curious. whats a healthy size for a dick in terms of inches? HMMMMM.

2006-10-04 15:56:27 · 7 answers · asked by sparklene 2

2006-10-04 15:53:37 · 10 answers · asked by TheseustheGreat 1

I am 21yrs old and have been with my 39yr old partner for nearly 4 years. Lately we've been discussing marriage & eventually having a family. I am happy to get married, but wasn't planning for kids for maybe another 3 or 4 years. I am worried, however, about my kids having an older father as I know what its like for the child (both my parents were in their mid-to-late 40's when they had me), plus I am worried about higher risks of autism, schizophrenia, miscarriages etc for the baby from having a father over 40 and also whether he will be be able to keep up with the physical demands of having young kids. How old is too old for man to have a baby?

2006-10-04 15:47:56 · 10 answers · asked by mmasseychase 1

i am 15 yrs old almost 16 and i am a male
i am heavily built and i dont even work out people say i am very strong but i dont look 15. my mom is about my hieght and my dad is 7 inches taller
i get stressed often
i havent grown much since i was 14
i get 7 hours sleep
wat can i do to grow taller, i am getting sick of seeing everyone over growing me while i stay the same hieght

2006-10-04 15:46:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wanna know how to build the most amount of muscle as quickly as possible. But if I use the pyrimid, it's really a HELL of a lot more tough, and I can never find a spotter. I don't know about u... but the bench press is one work out where u do NOT wanna be stuck with out a spot and stuck with at you're limit!!

2006-10-04 15:40:54 · 3 answers · asked by flyboy711672005 1

2006-10-04 15:01:44 · 7 answers · asked by steven s 1

I just visited the dentist and he told me I'm losing bone density in my teeth, and no, I dont smoke. What can I do??

2006-10-04 14:46:21 · 5 answers · asked by Ethan A 1

2006-10-04 14:44:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-04 14:41:47 · 13 answers · asked by mewtwo9732120011 1

alright srry for speeling mistakes but i really have to pee n im rly jumpy. so i rly have to pee but i cant n ive been holdin for 4 days but it cant come out! it started ( 4 days ago) when i was at highschool when school ended we were held back for misbehaving and i eventually missed my buss, i had no otha ride so i ran home, its a 20 minute bus ride so it must be like a three hour run, 10 minutes into the run i really had to pee and it was torture holding it and trying to run home for 3 hours! eventaly i got home but it was loked i spent like 10 minutes struggling to find my key cause i had to go sooo bad. eventually when i finaly got in my sista was taking a showe so i had to wait another 30 mins for her to be finished than finally she was done n i could pee so i rushed up n tried but it wouldnt come out! i had to go soo bad n it was rly hurting and i havnt ped since n its 4 days latr. i am a 14 and a half year old guy, plz help it hurts so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-04 14:31:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was just wondering when you know you stop growing. I've recently turned 17 and am around 5'6 when i wake up and 5'5 when i sleep. I've never really had a growth spurt, its only been like 1 to 3 inches a year for the past 4-5 years or whenever i started puberty. I'm taller than both my parents (they're short i know), but my brother is around 2 inches taller than me right now but he's older. I feel that i'm still growing but i just want a general idea on when i'll be finished. Also, does stretching out, and not being under too much stress help increase the growth rate? Thanks.

2006-10-04 14:17:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you like mens adams apples?...i have one and was just wondering what you thought,thanks

2006-10-04 13:31:35 · 9 answers · asked by Skater93 2

weight 145lbs. its been sevral years since i have not gained or decreased any weight. physically i dont look like i am underweight but i do feel that being between 140 to 145lb is pretty skini. I eat alot of meat. vegetables, cereals etc but still no increasement in weight. is this only me or there are few that weight same as me? and what other technics can i do to gain weight? be generous dont leave bad comments! thanks.

2006-10-04 13:31:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not a sport an excersize

2006-10-04 13:18:19 · 18 answers · asked by Leo 3

i shaved the area down there and it got little red bumps is this normal? if i were to keep on shaving will it stop What sould i do for next time or do now

2006-10-04 13:05:04 · 13 answers · asked by the dude 1

How can I make it go by quicker?
How will it take a toll on me besides not being able to get enough sleep?
Can I get exempt from college classes? (I was still tired after 13 hrs of sleep?)

2006-10-04 12:49:38 · 2 answers · asked by SQRD 2


when you shave down there (private area) guy and i guess girls how do do it you know how many blades and other details on how to make it go right i've got out the trimers alout but never shave please help

2006-10-04 12:48:54 · 9 answers · asked by the dude 1

My penis is about 5.8 inches long and about 4.5 around erect is this small?

2006-10-04 12:37:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seems like I always wake up all clogged up... what's the deal?
I don't think I have any allergies.

2006-10-04 12:26:56 · 7 answers · asked by TheAllKnowingFizz 2

2006-10-04 12:20:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

We're talkin' the pits start sweatin' when I get in the car in the morning and do not stop for the rest of the day. Quite embarassing. So any reccomendations for a certain brand or kind?

2006-10-04 12:06:50 · 7 answers · asked by Amphibious Nature 3

My girlfriend and I like to lie in each others arms while talking, kissing etc.... ;-) The problem is though that we cannot do this for very long as I tend to get pins and needles in my arms very quickly and she has to move before my arm goes completely numb. She is not fat or heavy, and my arms are not that weak. Is there any way I can stop this and enjoy ourselves for longer?

2006-10-04 11:56:47 · 8 answers · asked by Narf 2

and is it true?..so ive heard the guy some how lost his ding- dong. they used a donors penis and gave it to the guy with out.. but the transplant did not take and they had to remove it again .. does any one know more about this.

2006-10-04 11:44:29 · 19 answers · asked by jamesonleadfoot77 3

i dont even have hair under my arms but i read a puberty article that says my penis stops growing at 14. im 15 and its still the same size as when i was 13. wats wrong? do i have more growing to do?

2006-10-04 11:34:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was recently worrying over some actions of mine. I was basically in a state of paranoia where I kept attributing everything to my actions. I started experiencing all these symptoms, which freaked me out even more. The latest was flu like symptoms when i was going to bed: chills, drop in temperature, sweats, hotflashes, dry throat, and stuffy nose.

2006-10-04 11:24:12 · 5 answers · asked by jset1989 2

I just found out that 2 of my friends are bulimic i always have called them fatasses and stuff so i feel like its my fault i feelll sooo guilty what should i do. It was always a joke we all particiapate in fitness competitions and we are wrestlers but they have tken it to far what should i do.

2006-10-04 11:21:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Girls, seriously, do you really think that circumcised penises are more beautiful than non-circumcised ones? If the answer is YES, why exacly do you think so?

2006-10-04 10:14:09 · 7 answers · asked by Mr_Dream D 1

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