I am quickly approaching 60 with my Rogue on the PvP server, Kalecgos. I was intersested in doing the quest to get the legendary weapon thunderfury. And I am very familiar with the quest and the extraodrinary amount of raid time and gold it will take to get it. Its a great sword and all, with an awesome proc and proc rate from what I hear, and the stats are nice, but not great, and the DPS is far from the best.
So here is the question, I read on thottbot someone saying that there was rumor about there being a quest or something that will upgrade Thunderfury in order to keep its status as a legendary weapon current when burning crusade comes out. Maybe in an update, or patch of some sort. Has anyone else heard this rumor, if it is true, that would be awesome, and would deffeintely make me want to get thunderfury for sure, I am currently on the fence about it. If so could you please link it?
Even if there was such a quest, I imagine it will be very time and gold consuming!
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