hi i made this new deck yester day plz rate 1/100 andplease give us tips
fusion deck/master of oz
monsters 4starz/
exodia set,
blast magican,apprentice magican,magican of faith x 3,old vindictive magicanx2,ebon magical curran,wynn the wind charmer x2, hilta the fire charmer x2,breaker the magical warrior,aqua madoorx2,neo the magic swordsmen,des kangaroo,skilled dark magican,exodia necross,,.,.,.,.,.,4 stars + dark magican,choas sorcerer,noble man eater-bug x 2 big koala ( i k rebornnow but c my side deck =p),.,.,.,.,.,spells,monster reborn,dark hole,heavy storm,pot of greed,mystical space typoon,polymerzation,swords of reaveling light,monster reincarnation,dark factory of mass produtionx2,grave keepers servent,.,.,.,.traps,dust tornadox3,drianing shieldx3,compolsory evacuation device,hiddan book of spell,dragon capture jar,call of the hauntedx2,barrel behind the door,chthonian polmer x3
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Card Games