I was on a date with this guy and he was really nice and funny. But when we were at dinner and the waitress came to get the check he said 'wait! wait!, forgot your tip' and he lifted his leg and farted very loudly in her hand and laughed hysterically, calling himself a genius. He then said 'let's go, t!ts the movies gonna start soon!'. When we were in traffic, a hispanic cut him off in traffic and he yelled 'Hey, beaner! Learn how to ****** drive this is America!' He was better in the movie and was really sweet to me and cuddled alot. He leaned in and said he wanted to tell me a secret and he farted on my leg and laughed out loud in the theater. I think this was rude but on the car ride home he was nice. We kissed at the end of the date, but I felt an erection he kept jabbing into me leg. Is he really into me or does he just want sex?
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