There's a song I've been hearing on the radio(It would come on 104.1 KRBE) for the past few days and i love it only i have no clue what it is. I think it's called Crazy but im not sure. Can someone please tell me? Here are some hints:
~ Some lyrics are: And I'm craaaaazy...crazy for youuuuu...craaaaazy...crazy for you....(some music-later on in the song) Who do you,who do you...whodoyouwhodoyouwhodoyou -----(i don't know what he says there-again, later:) When I was a little boy, it always looked fuuun...(somethingsomethingsomething lol)
~In the middle of the song or around that time there are violins playing along to the tune (BUT IT IS NOT A CLASSICAL SONG!)
~If you know how to play piano this is the note them in order and you can get the tune!! : black key between D and E (4got what it's called),(down to)G,(up to)C,D,black key again,(down)D,G,(up)black key again,(down) black key between G&A,(up)C,D,black key nearest,(down)D,(down)G...
That's the best i can do. help!
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pls help