It's a somewhat old looking movie, looked like it was dated sometime in the 80s, and I was shown clips of it at a convention this weekend. The movie is about this homicidal guy working as a waiter when he kills a guy with an umbrella. He also kills one guy with a jumper cable hooked to the guy's car battery, his girlfriend with a car antenna (both kills in the same scene), and blew up a car by shooting the engine (sounds a little like a Charleton Heston movie). One notable scene is when he is confronted with cops sometime after he shoots a guy who was simply taking out the trash, and points the gun to his own head, but finds that he's was out of ammo. You hear him laughing before the movie cuts to him being in this psychiatric place a couple minutes before he kills the therapist. I'm afraid I can't tell you more than that.
Can anyone help me with the title of this film?
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