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Movies - 5 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Movies


i cant wait for hairspray to comeout in 2 weeks!! but, they sing all the songs from the broadway play right??? does michelle fifer (yea i know i spelt it wrong) and amanda bynes sing?? I CANT WAIT!!!

2007-07-05 06:09:27 · 9 answers · asked by #10♥Eli Manning....my hero☺ 2

i am bored so can someone answer me!!

2007-07-05 06:01:16 · 16 answers · asked by Macee. 2

Ones that still unnerve you today?

These are my favourite scary moments:

The Ring - at the beginning of the film when the girl goes into her bedroom and the girl from the video immediately approaches her and you see the front angle of the girls face alter appearance instantaneously.

"Don't Look Now" - 70s horror starring Donald Sutherland. The moment at the end when he tries to befriend the person in the red coat, thinking its his daughter, just to find out it is a evil faced little dwarf which promptly approaches him and slits his throat.

3) Asylum (1972) - British horror film starring Robert Powell as he interviews for the head doc position at an asylum. The end scene where the crazed Dr Starr strangles him to death and then listens to his heart through a stethoscope whilst insanely giggling and then cackling evilly

4) "Rosemarys Baby" The end scene where you see the baby - scary stuff!

5) "Exorcist" - the edited scene of the spider walk!

What are yours?

2007-07-05 05:18:29 · 25 answers · asked by bueller82 1


2007-07-05 05:08:46 · 5 answers · asked by Brandy K 1

I think it was a group of black men who sang it. Their version was really upbeat and catchy. Any idea who that group was?

2007-07-05 05:04:54 · 2 answers · asked by Bastet's kitten 6

its a knew upcoming movie supposed to be coming out next year or in 2 years?

2007-07-05 04:57:40 · 8 answers · asked by gowiththe_flow07 1

Hilts is not an opition due to him being far too obvious!

2007-07-05 04:47:38 · 10 answers · asked by Spawnee 5


2007-07-05 04:17:16 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can we please put a moratorium on people asking the following questions? They keep getting asked over, and over, and over. It's getting annoying. They've all been answered before and do not need to be asked/answered 200 times a day.

1. How can I get my "great movie idea" to a famous director/producer/star, even though I'm a complete nobody?

2. Where can I watch [insert blockbuster movie] online, for free, and without having to download it?

3. What is [insert name of popular teen star]'s e-mail/address/phone number?

4. What did Bill Murray whisper into Scarlett Johannson's ear at the end of "Lost in Translation?"

5. What is your favorite movie ever?

6. What do you think of this movie idea I came up with?

If you are reading this, PLEASE do not ask or answer any of these questions anymore. I humble beg thee. Thank you.

2007-07-05 04:15:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really mean movies that should never be made or re-made. Titanic 2 should never be made. The Wizard of Oz, Casablance, Gone With the Wind should never be re-made. The Rocky series should come to an end.

2007-07-05 03:53:41 · 15 answers · asked by jack of all trades 7

2007-07-05 03:36:19 · 19 answers · asked by studntdrivr10 1

Tell me if you have and what you thought about it. I thought it was pretty good.

2007-07-05 03:31:00 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-05 03:16:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Oliver Stone's Alexander, starring Colin Farrell and Angelina Jolie, was universally dismissed as a wretched, unwatchable film. I, however, thought it was fascinating. Sure, there were campy moments, but they're expected in any period piece. Otherwise, I thought it was appropriately epic and often very sexy. Not a bad film at all.

*ANYONE* else enjoy it?

2007-07-05 02:56:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Usually when a new film has good reviews I can find a movie theater showing that movie within 25 miles or so. With Michael Moore's "Sicko" it is well above 40 miles. Pressure from the healthcare industry? Or do we really have NO interest?

The World Healthcare Organisation recenly ranked the quality of US Healthcare "37", one above Slovenia, two above Cuba. I am not proud!


2007-07-05 02:39:45 · 7 answers · asked by Heinz H 5

2007-07-05 02:31:47 · 5 answers · asked by wanghao52676 1

it's the one ending of a movie where the thing looks like pacman eating the whole airport and trying to eat the plane, but the plane already took off and everything disappeared...anybody know this movie?

2007-07-05 02:17:55 · 4 answers · asked by ceg2581 4

2007-07-05 02:12:33 · 2 answers · asked by Jason D 1

You know, watching Transformers yesterday was almost physically painful for me. All the dialogue was awkward and embarrassing (for the actors who had to say it!) The action was amazing, but so much was thrown at me I was numb to it by the end. And the "urban" autobot Jazz? PLEASE!---I felt like 2 and a half hours of my life were stolen. PLUS all females in this movie are dressed in a blatantly slutty manner. Was that really necessary?
When i left the theater all i heard were people who LOVED IT (i overheard one guy say he wanted to get an Optimus Prime tattoo!!) My friends and my boyfriend like it too.

Why does everyone love this movie? and if you agree with me, tell me why you DIDN'T! I need to know i'm not alone in this world! haha

2007-07-05 02:08:43 · 11 answers · asked by Heather 2

I just saw Transformers, and I won't have any spoiler, but the only autobot who sounds black, is the ONLY one of the good guyd killed.

Why does this keep happening?? I was taught not to jum too much when something like this happens. I just can't help but think hollywood hasn't equalized with race the way the rest of the country seems to have.

I did find this link, and I see I am not alon, and this isn;t an isolated thing: www.feoamante.com/Movies/Racial/racial_cliches.html

Now if you have whites in the majority of the cast or, asian, black or whatever, kill one of them. If there is only one of the race, or even type of person, I for one am thinking you're hiding something.

I will say this bluntly. Some of these white directors are closet racists, and use their medium to do their evil.

Before anyone accusses me of anything, I an 1/2 white, and 1/2 black. Majority of my friends are white, and my fiancée is white. She also has an isue with that.

2007-07-05 01:56:47 · 11 answers · asked by Benjamin W 3

In the Harry Potter movies Hagrid got expelled for opening the chamber of secrets; or at least thats what i can tell from the movies. Shouldn't his name have been cleared with the whole tom riddle diary thing from the second movie? Why is it that he still cant do magic

2007-07-05 01:41:47 · 5 answers · asked by Gaara 3

Also , If you saw the movie once before.
can you give me your opinion about it?and why?

2007-07-05 00:30:52 · 6 answers · asked by pianitta 2

I know in the cartoon they became vehicles to wage war but why in the movie 2007?

2007-07-05 00:06:30 · 5 answers · asked by reme14u 1

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