I only ever could remember one or two scenes from this movie back more than 10 years ago...
if featured giant robot mech type things where, probably in the future where people get in them and fight like gladiators in a big outdoor arena. and they have rockets and in one scene, one shoots the other with rockets and the other falls onto some glass building or something, and i remember a scene where one of the competitors is talking to someone else behind the scenes or something. My memory might be hazy, remembering things that didnt actually exist, but I swear this must have been a real movie prior to 1995 or so.
Can you help me figure out what this was? Its bugged me for years and I only started to care once I figured out this other movie I could never remember was Creepshow 2 :(
If I figure out what this robot one is, I won't have any more questions in life ever.
12 answers
asked by
Papa Johnathan