(Of course I am referring to Christopher Reeves, who many people consider to be the "only" Superman. And yes, I know that his father played to role before him.)
I watched "Superman Returns" on DVD last night. When I first heard that they were making another Superman movie, I had serious doubts. However, with all due respect to the late Mr Reeves I have to admit that Brandon Routh also plays a very good Superman. I felt he made the character feel more realistic. Such as when he went to Lois' house to watch her through the walls. And Routh didn’t make Kent out as a total weenie like Reeves did. Also I felt the physics of the movie were much more realistic, such as when he tore the wing off the jetliner or the way the nosecone crushed as he caught the front. OK, the part about Lois getting bounced around the plane and not even getting a bruise was bogus, but you gotta admit, anyone that can take a bullet to the eye and not even blink is pretty cool. What is your opinion?
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