1) "that hansel is so hot right now." name the movie with this line in it
2) "are, are you german?" what scifi film is this line from
3)True or false, when the titanic hit the iceberg that sank it...were they filming the silent version of the posiden adventure on board the ship?
4) i) what does Dr Evil ask people to throw him?
ii) what does he have a bag full of?
iii) what is the name of his female assistant and lover?
5)True or false the original version of wizdard of oz starts off in black and white
the winner is the first person to get all of the above right...if this does not happen..the the person with the most correct answers in the earliest time wins....
Bonus question:
True or False as fabulous as Madonna is...she is a bad actress?
12 answers
asked by
michael s