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Movies - 31 October 2006

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i was EXTREMELY confused because they didnt die in the church so how did they die? I'm assuming they are dead cause the father can't see them!!!??? Someone said they are trapped in the silent hill "world" but how can they be trapped if they defeated the mystery of silent hill?

2006-10-31 18:38:04 · 8 answers · asked by . 2

2006-10-31 18:35:13 · 11 answers · asked by missus_money_penny 1

Someone asked abotu a movie he had done and i realized... we havent seen Chris do a movie in years. Whatever happened to him? He was a big actor in the mid to late 90's.

Another good example is Sean Astin.. He does Rudy (his best role) and the Lord of the Rings movies and dissapears.

2006-10-31 18:14:30 · 4 answers · asked by clomtancy 5


2006-10-31 18:09:04 · 25 answers · asked by yakimablueyes 6

2006-10-31 17:56:02 · 2 answers · asked by mamaws3angels 1

Just "saw" it, and I was a bit disappointed. After 2 hours of cutting and twisting people, I was so desensitized that I just didn't care anymore. I just want to know what anyone else's thoughts were. My daughter actually liked it a lot.

2006-10-31 17:14:52 · 5 answers · asked by TrainerMan 5

The movie mean girls. Lol. I recently watched it and it was very funny.

2006-10-31 17:03:38 · 8 answers · asked by Thumper 5

i dont really enjoy watching people get hacked to death....
why do some people like watching this?
same with gladiators, wreastlers, duels, when people used to cheer on hangings.
i just think its wierd... ive never enjoyed watching people suffer Oo.

2006-10-31 17:00:28 · 11 answers · asked by ajflkajfsalkfsalkfna 3

I think it had Al Pacino in it and he was a blind guy who used to be in the service. A young college kid kept coming to visit and they became friends. At one point the older guy thought about shooting himself. What's the name of this movie please????? I think this is the same movie that used the line "whoahh!!".

2006-10-31 16:53:13 · 14 answers · asked by jdimmitt22 2

or just happy...

2006-10-31 16:37:44 · 15 answers · asked by ♥michele♥ 7

I think 2006 has been a bit of a patchy year for movies, unlike last year, but do you think there have been any knock out movies. My favourites so far have been Proof, Walk the Line, Capote, Brokeback Mountain, North Country, V for Vendetta, United 93, The Devil Wears Prada, Little Children, Borat, Children of Men, The Last Kiss, Marie Antoinette, Stranger Than Fiction, Little Miss Sunshine. Jackass 2, The Science of Sleep...I go to the cinema a lot and if you're wondering, aren't some of these from 2005, I'm in the UK.

2006-10-31 16:28:53 · 7 answers · asked by Bumblebois 3

It is from the seventies or eighties and about these girls in a sorority who are stalked and killed by this guy at Christmas. Please tell me the name, if it is good, if it is scary, and where I can read reviews about it. Thank you.

2006-10-31 16:05:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone out there tell me a story about an evil hypnotist, a beautiful princess, a dog, a cat, and a halloween party. :) Yayy.

2006-10-31 15:40:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not only from Hollywood, movies from all English speaking countries.

Kindly suggest

2006-10-31 15:31:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-31 15:29:57 · 11 answers · asked by cordn8or22 2

In the movie, the old one or the new one, what is the boy's birth mom. I must have missed it. When they showed the skeleton of her in the grave yard she looks like a weird animal. Who and what is she? Please tell me the real answer not what you think if you dont know for sure. Thank you! This is really bugging me!

2006-10-31 15:03:41 · 8 answers · asked by angel l 3

I can't chose! they are HALARIOUS!!!!!

2006-10-31 14:50:02 · 37 answers · asked by ~♥~Tiffany~♥~ 4

I have been thinking about this all day ever since and i went and saw Saw 3. Which movie had all its charactors in like one place due to they all had the same birthdays. The movie had a motel and a lot of people died. I just dont remember the name. There were fugitives pretending to be cops at one part. Pleasee help!

2006-10-31 14:35:46 · 7 answers · asked by Jessica 1

2006-10-31 14:27:35 · 12 answers · asked by daisy 4

I've seen Saw and I really liked it. I havn't seen Saw II though I've been told what happens in it. I've also seen the first Grudge which was alright although I reckon Saw's got a better storyline. So what would you reccomend?

2006-10-31 14:26:11 · 10 answers · asked by melissa 2

Has anyone seen Lady in the Water? I was curious, I know a lot of his movies have, like a twist where they end up not being demonic or anything, like with the Village, it turned out normal. So I was curious, I'm not worried about ruining the movie cos I'm only gonna see it if it's not demonic-so is there like, just a twist where it turns out there's some catch?

2006-10-31 13:58:19 · 4 answers · asked by NYC_grl_2004 1

got that new silver car from????????????

2006-10-31 13:51:57 · 19 answers · asked by blahblahblah 5

in chapter 5# when Michele is after jenny but the town put Michele in jail then this man with silver tipped boots goes into the police station and kills all the police and freed michele from his jail cell, who is he and what kind of relationship has he with michele and and more importent why do the movie channels never show movie 6#,but they skip over it every time like it do not exsisit, this movie could hepl us understand why Michele is like this and where can I find the movie so I may add it to my movie library and one more thing why doesent michele kill him why isnt he afraid of him how is he controlling him and how long have they known each other, at what point in Michele's life did the man in the siver tipped boots enter his life and did he know him befoe the Dr know him when will the movie channels show this movie, is it in the lost archives voult.

2006-10-31 13:48:06 · 4 answers · asked by charmin e 1

...yeah and she freaks out and loses her sh*t, what I don't get is if Joanie hated "wire hangers" so bloody much, why was it there in Christine's closest in the first place?
Did this little kid go to the local 5 & Dime to get wire hangers to antagonize her mother? If Joan hated wire hangers so much...how did it get in her daughter's closest in the first place? This is something i've always wonder...thanks.

2006-10-31 13:46:37 · 9 answers · asked by C 4

Which do you prefer and why? What have your experiences been with each? Thanks for any info!

2006-10-31 13:41:35 · 16 answers · asked by Brian V 1

Several people have told me that it is and I was just wondering...

2006-10-31 13:33:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's Halloween and horror movies are inevitable at this time of year. I've always been a big fan of horror movies because they are intriguing and exciting to watch. However, I'm scared silly after watching them. My boyfriend and I are going to watch Saw III this Friday, and I'm a fan of the Saw series, but I'm not looking forward to the many sleepless nights that I feel will follow. Is there anything I can do (or say to myself) so I that I won't be so scared after watching? Thanks in advance :]

2006-10-31 13:31:54 · 11 answers · asked by epitomeofsoul 1

2006-10-31 13:30:54 · 6 answers · asked by Tinka 1

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