There are these three guys, and they all need new toilet seats, so they go to this store, the first guy tells the sales man that he needs a new toilet seat. The sales guy immediately say "I know just the one for you. It is a temperature one, you can turn it hot, or cold, whatever you like!" The guy says "great! I'll take it!" The second guy too admitted that he needed a new toilet seat, the sales guy says "I have the prefect one for you! It's wooden, and will compliment any bathroom!" The guy says "Perfect!" The third guy also says he needs one too. The sales guy says "This one is just the one for you! It sings every time you flush!" All three guys happily take their new toilet seats home. But the next day, they all come back with complaints. The first guy says "This thing is malfunctioning! It always turns really cold, and then so hot it burns me!" The second guy says "I have splinters in my butt!" The third guy says "I hate it! It keeps singing 'Do you see what I see'"
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cookie monster
Jokes & Riddles