i saw a tape of the oprah show where they had common and russel simmons. a lot of people feel that hip hop degrades women and most of it is just vulgar and it has a big impact on children's lives. however i feel differently. i mean there are a lot raps out there that do degrade women and all they talk about is sex. but if you're gonna blame the artists then you might as well blame the parents too. they have a way bigger part in this than anybody. if you let your child listen to this, you're just as part of the problem as anybody else. and if you don't like the message the music is bringing, DON'T LISTEN TO IT, plain and simple. it's not like the musicians are gonna stop making their songs just because you feel it's innappropiate. it's a shame that singing and rapping about sex and violence always sells but if that's what people like, it's gonna continue to be in music. but i have to say that hip hop or rap has never influenced me. i know my right from wrong.
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