Well actually about all the people who are judging, slamming and kicking a girl who is obviously in need of some serious mental help. I don't understand how people can be so cruel to someone who is in such trouble. I've read how people have taken down websites they had done in her honor. The same people who have put her up on this pedistal are the exact ones now who have the most awful things to say about her. This girl is not superhuman. She is exactly like you and I. What if it was your siter, your mother, your bestfriend who was going through something like this? Would you kick them while they are down, give up on them, talk about them like they are trash? It's her so called fans that have placed her up so high and she knew that. She has been expected to live a perfect life with no room for mistakes until she finally cracked from all the pressure. It's a wonder it didn't happen before now.
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