I would like to make it abundantly clear that whilst the recent movie "Ghost Rider" may make people think of my script idea story they are not alike. There is no or little love interest and I concentrate on dangerous "Black Mambo" gang members and a city at night where crime is constant and the police are as vulnerbale as the citizens. Though I have not seen the movie "Ghost Rider" I have checked the plot and thus can say my story is nothing alike other than my character at points drives a classic motorcycle and is clad in leather.
My script focuses on a ruthless leather clad man who kills without emotion and is driven by unknown goals. To an extent like the Kill Bill movies he encounters the dangerous "Black Mambo" gang. The movie focuses a lot on the gang and their torture of innocents. As yet I have not mapped out the reasons for my main character. He is accompanied by a oil black haired female in which a twist occurs towards the end of the movie.
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