My wife says I've been in a rut for 10 years with the music I listen to. I'm very particular though. Based on the music I like and dislike, can you recommend anything?
Bands/Musicians/Artists I like(ed):
Talking Heads & David Byrne, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Bjork, Devo, Aphex Twin, The Prodigy, Pigface, David Bowie, Dead Kennedys, Johnny Cash, Misfits, Mr. Bungle, E.L.O., Flipper, Dead Milkmen, The White Stripes, The Ramones, Prizzy Prizzy Please, Tiny Tim, Nomeansno, Neil Young, Crass, Daft Punk, GG, Joe Jackson, Joy Division, Kraftwerk... that's all I can think of.
Don't Like/Can't stand:
Black Eyed Peas, Metallica, Aerosmith, Beyonce, Linnerd Skinnerd (just let the spelling bee), Jimmy Buffet, hippy stuff, most punk music, most metal and nu-metal.
35 answers
asked by
Mickey Mouse Spears