For those of you who watche dthe Interview on the insider with oprah, you know she has come under fire lately for buildign her new school . I wan to know what you think, Was she right to fullfill her promise to former South African President Nelson Mandela and build the school orginally budgeted at 20 mill but cost around 40 mill US dollars. She even has another school planned for South Africa, this one will be co-ed. Do you think she was right in saying that in "general" most American children have a sense of entitlement? She is reportdely having a house built near the South African School for Girls and will be involed hands- on , through teaching and via satellite. Rumors are swirling that she will be retiering soon. I have alwalys heard that its best to retire at the top of your game. Will Oprah be retiering at the top of her game? Will she leave the US and just visit perodically like Tina Turner, what do you perdict will happen to her US cahrity oranizations that help many?
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