Okay. So you're walking down the street when it starts to rain. You look down the streets, and all the lights inside all the houses turned off. You figure the electricty shut off. Trying not to get soaked, you walk into the nearest building that wasn't locked. Once inside, you hear someone calling your name, and you try to follow it. You go through a green door, a yellow door, a blue door, a glass door, an orange door, a polka-dot door, a white door, and a black door, trying to follow the voice. When you go through the last door, you see a guy.
"I was calling your name," he says.
"Why?" You ask.
"Because I want to kill you," he replies.
You turn around and run for the door but he grabs you and you can't get free of his grip. He gives you four choices of how to die. He can shoot you, stab you, put you on an electric chair, or choke you. Which do you choose and why?
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Jokes & Riddles