I NEEEEEEEED EVEN MOOOOOORE ANSWERS!!! iF my house was to implode right now would you be sad for me??? what makes the world go round??? Do you like the pillsbury dough boy???how do THEY know its a boy...it could b a girl in hiding!!!!!??? if you were to put him in an oven would he bake like the biscuits!??? i like biscuits, with tacos that just have meat and chicken nuggets, and donuts!!!...Do you believe in monsters? i believe in them...ever since i saw monsters INC...i liked that movie...im watching it now, DO YOU LIKE MY QUESTIONS??? I wish you people could come and watch the movie with me, we can make popcorn, and biscuits, and tacos that just have meat, and chicken nuggets, and donuts!!!.....why do you people think im crazy and need medicine??? i dont even like medicine, it tastes funny.... im just a normal human being, who needs ANSWERS!!! thank u!!! :D
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