Hunger for power the thirst for greed
It makes you want things you do not need
You float above reality, barely touching the ground
You forget that poverty can often be found
But keep in mind that things you wish
Can be traded in for things others miss
So dream all you want, And have those pleasures
But remember that a little goes a long way for some peoples treasures
It makes people do crazy things, that greed
It will make you feel unnecessary need
But on a day when you’re feeling extra greedy
You will feel much better by helping the needy
And if you’re feeling so pampered and spoiled
Give someone clothes whose clothes may have been soiled
Give food to those who have not
And supply water for those where it’s extremely hot
Donate money to help the sick
Or supporting the troops would be a good pick
Think you can do nothing?
Well don’t be alarmed
Give blood and such to help the harmed
So many people and so many of them poor
Give them somewhere to sleep besides the step of a door
Care about those less fortunate than you
Helping at a soup kitchen would be a nice thing to do
Yes helping out can seem like a chore
Especially when you’d rather be at a store
But greed makes people love less and less
And it’s something that has turned into a rather huge mess
Power hungry leaders yearn to command
Instead of lending others a helping hand
So join the quest to do more good
And some of the greed will stop
As it should
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