This is purely based on newtons third law :-Everyday,a man used to exploit his horse my overburdening it with,the hosrse tries to escape from day,while the man is loading the goods on the cart,the horse
reads newtons third law of motion on a wall.when asks the horse to move,it refuses saying that every action has an
equal and opposite reaction,so if it tries to move,the cart will pull it back,according to the 3rd law.The man is
perplexed.At that time,there is a Physics professor who is passing by that road.The man tells him the problem.Then
the professor says something to the horse and it agrees to move.What did the professor explain to the horse(some
physics matter) to make it agree to move?this question is not silly and has a logical approach.The answer is based
on the 3rd law.
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