Queer theory isn’t a theory in the classical meaning of this word.
Queer theory isn’t, and don’t want to be, any of closed descriptions of sexuality. It’s not defining the meanig of therms like femininity, masculinity, homosexuality and related. It wants to destabilisate meaning of seksuality, which was described by a culture. Queer theory is showing ambiguity of terms like sex, seksuality: it’s proving their meaningless. This theory shows that every stable patterns of “femininity”, “masculinity” or another “sexual patterns” are only a cultural construction. Their stability is a result of some violence process:
-mechanisms of subjugation ( which are made by producing in our minds “I” that is subordinated to cultural “norm” and be a aurorepresion and self-control tool),
-blocking (putting yourself at the box of terms like femininity, masculinity, homosexuality)
In recent years queer theory has come to be used differently, sometimes as an umbrella term for a coalition of culturally marginal sexual self-identifications
We display 5 sexual orientations: (...)
We display those gender identity: (...)
It questions heteronormative world
It disorders binary of thinking
not definition is a power of queer theory
Now “excluded” have a voice, they’re talking about culture and social reports from their own perspective.
How to describe something which doesn’t exist? Don’t describe.
Describe in this the way which will destabilize terms like “femininity”, “masculinity”, “sexuality” and show that those terms mean something only to bound.
Finally, Queer theory is a anty- and –post- theory, which shows that queer is a space without a meaning, which unfortunetelly mean from the cultural, normative grant. Queer theory ia anty- and –post- theory, which bigotedly, with fire in the eyes destroys, annihilates its own study objects. And how to call it a theory?
queer - originally a synonym for "odd" or "unusual," the word evolved into an anti-gay insult in the last century, only to be reclaimed by defiant gay and lesbian activists who chanted: "We're here, we're queer, get used to it."
Now "queer" is sneaking into the mainstream -- and taking on a hipster edge as a way to describe any sexual orientation beyond straight.
Queer theory embraces the notion of identity - what is culturally seen as normal versus subversive. Theorists claim that identities are not fixed - they cannot be categorized and labeled - because identities consist of many varied components and that to categorize by one characteristic is wrong. Queer theorists argue that everybody should be classed as an individual identity and not put in the collective basket of feminists or colored or the like.
For polish ears „queer theory” sounds so eleganty, particularly for those who doesn’t know the meanig of this phrase. Among polish experts accepted was translation “queer” as “odmieniec”. It saves the main meaning „queer” as “dziwny”, “odmienny” and shows pejoration of this word: “odmieniec” as “dziwak”.
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