What do you HATE about Starbucks (if anything), even though you love it (which you should)
Here are the 5 things I hate most about Starbucks:
1. When you just got your drink, are walking to the big couch, and some biotch with a laptop takes it.
2. People who take a newspaper off the for-sale rack, read it, then return it and expect that someone’s going to pay for that used copy.
3. Regular meetings of the Bitchy wives club, where married women ***** about their husbands (and often children) for the whole time.
4. Regular meetings of the Old Codger's Clubs, where old guys basically talk about politics and healthcare, cough phlegm and blow their noses for hours on end. They should find a Denny's.
5. The fact that most people who go into a Starbucks, are always wearing Abercrombie, AE, or Hollister! (I'm one of them).
So yeah. Anything you hate about Starbucks, even though you love it?
26 answers
asked by
Jessica - AKA - Carolina Girl