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Programming & Design - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Computers & Internet Programming & Design

I've studied Java & C++ and was just wondering which language I should study next. My school is offering both next term.

2007-11-07 16:46:07 · 9 answers · asked by stlsigma2 1

I have an image and I wanting to give it the appearance as if a "beam of light" (or anything ghostly looking) has flown by.....
kind of like the effect you see at this link:


I am usuing adobe photoshop so if you could be very specific step by step that would be awesome!!!! Thanks a million

Its for a simple prank im playing on someone, thanks!

Much Love! S.Kitten

2007-11-07 13:56:50 · 2 answers · asked by ★ Vaginal Discount ★ 4


Can any1 tell me whats going? Thanks. oh and I do have a Dell if thats any help! Thanks again.

2007-11-07 12:05:33 · 3 answers · asked by Sam 2

Say i wrote the following program which i didn't:

>>> # area calculations
>>> print "Welcome to the Area calculations program"
Welcome to the Area calculations program
>>> print "------------"
>>> print

>>> # print out the menu:
>>> print "please select a shape:"
please select a shape:
>>> print "1 rectangle"
1 rectangle
>>> print "2 circle"
2 circle
>>> # get the users choice:
>>> shape = input("1 or 2")
1 or 21
>>> # calculate the area:
>>> if shape == 1:
height = input("please enter the height:")
width = input("please enter the width:")
area = height*width
print "the area is", area
radius = input("please enter the radius:")
area = 3.14*(radius**2)
print "The area is", area

How would i actually be able to use this program? how do i use it?

2007-11-07 11:26:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im a graduate of a non computer course, and i want to learn programming so i can used it in my business to make it more organize. Can you guys suggest what programming language i can learn, that is easy but effective. Im considering Visual Basic for now... Thanks,

2007-11-07 11:25:54 · 4 answers · asked by zephyr 1

C++ visual

2007-11-07 11:24:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


or this new one i jus found out about


2007-11-07 11:18:08 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone give me a few program names that I can let me make 3d video games with multi-player functions. Internet capability would be cool too.

2007-11-07 10:50:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

How exactly can I get the amount of memory a process is taking. If I use the command "top", is this what is under neat the VIRT column?

2007-11-07 10:10:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Given a value how do I find out how many of that value exists in an array?

These is a function to calculate duplicates, but I only want to count certain values.

2007-11-07 08:57:46 · 5 answers · asked by Tasm 6

i have just shown a mate how to hide a file..told how to unhide it but he doesnt seem to hav the 'folder options' in the tool menu..this is XP we r using...and i tried gettin the files back through folder properties..nad it isnt working...
can anyone help ASAP!
is there ny shortcut keys to access folder options?? or any alternative method?

2007-11-07 08:38:24 · 1 answers · asked by clueless 1

My question is what are the differences between ways to build a web site? I have have built web sites by coding with html in an editor. So what is the difference between scripting with html and others such as PHP? Why do people choose to use DreamWeaver and FrontPage when you can just edit the code in a normal editor like notepad?

2007-11-07 08:35:25 · 4 answers · asked by lenny 1

I am cataloging my uncle's CD collection, over 400 cd's. He wants me to use a spreadsheet and include the artist, cd title, and each song name. he wants to be able to print an alphabetical list of the artists with a slot to put in which cd slot in his 400 cd changer they are located in. he also wants to be able to print out an alphabetical list of the songs and be able to write down which slot they are in.

am i able to do this with a simple spreadsheet? Help!!

2007-11-07 07:08:07 · 8 answers · asked by Kristin D 4

I also want to know how to use delete and static_cast...

2007-11-07 03:42:18 · 1 answers · asked by David Junior 3

I have a MONSTOROUS amount of JavaScript referenced at the top of my webpage, basically I am using PROTOTYPE.JS, JQUERY.JS, SCRIPTACULOUS.JS AND there associated JS files...

Is there ANY way I can condense these JS files into something more compact??

2007-11-07 03:41:16 · 5 answers · asked by sneak_chamber 2

I have a document with alot of pictures. on the right are pictures on the left, bullets. i need to keep everything in its place. now when i go to [file > web page preview], things get moved around. how can i keep everything in place and stil make it a webpage?

2007-11-07 02:31:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm writing a batch script for Windows Server 2003 that extracts data from one database and loads it to another on a different machine. I want to test the output file for records in order to prevent the second step from attempting to load the file if it is empty (wasting resources and possibly causing an abend). Where can I get info on errorlevels?

2007-11-07 00:24:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am creating a website where i have three frames and i want when user click on a button in 1st frame its write into second frame and then all the items from frame two is show in the frame three

2007-11-06 22:39:56 · 1 answers · asked by ATUL K 1

I need it for prepare my home assignment. Please hurry up.
Give me complete details about OS, like Unix and window. tell me what is the first operating system.

2007-11-06 22:02:59 · 5 answers · asked by Maria Naeem 1

I don't want to use a pop-up window because those are usually annoying; besides it would be blocked by most users anyways.

I don't want to use a cheesy gimmick like flashing or scrolling text (although a ticker type element might be worth considering).

And I don't like flash elements that cover the page your viewing.

Does anyone have any ideas of what would be a good method of creating such an alert without being obnoxious or annoying?

FWIW, this is not a site where people log-in, but I probably have several visitors each week.

2007-11-06 18:54:28 · 1 answers · asked by Justin H 7

In Visual Basic.Net

2007-11-06 16:55:00 · 3 answers · asked by penn_state21 1

how do you make a website i really want to make one but im not sure how. help?

2007-11-06 12:32:02 · 5 answers · asked by ali k 2

I have my index divide as 30% and 70%

I have my menu on 30%

- How can I change 2(two) images at the same time in both frames after click in one of my menu options?

Thanks a lot,


2007-11-06 11:58:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm looking for something that I can use to create 3D characters for games, anyone know of one? (needs ability to export/import .obj format)

2007-11-06 11:37:26 · 6 answers · asked by lewax00 3

I want to build a personal web site has any one any recommendations please?

2007-11-06 10:25:40 · 10 answers · asked by SPARKFISH 4

I want to attend one of these in Orlando next year, but my boss won't pay for both. Which one should I go to? VS Live in mid-May or Tech-Ed at the beginning of June?

2007-11-06 08:23:51 · 1 answers · asked by Scotty Doesnt Know 7

what are the fonts on these two images?

this one, i'm wondering what the font is for "hardcore"


and in this one, the word drunk

2007-11-06 07:26:40 · 3 answers · asked by tornbttrflywings 2

2007-11-06 05:17:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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