`,`,`ell even if youre not a believer, in ysh`,`,`a
have you heard this one?
a pope onto kock owed a yeemany issue was
who harm a li'l kid get his shoe up hoo ha don!!!! for
trillions and trillions of centuries dogpiled on top of
each other, non stop with holograms projected in the sky of screaming aborted babies while the same damn anthrax jam blasts
in their ears all day long.
do you believe pedophiles and rapists should be exiled, and given the option to receive the id/passport card/microchip gw bush and congress are going
to require every man woman child and pet to have by 2008 and probably sooner. christians, which gw bush professes to be, know that the id chip is the mark of the beast, which will condemn you to hell. even if religion is just a scheme to get christians to kill themselves thinking that they'll be raptured up, the tyranny and greed is intolerable in a free country. if you want to keep your money and travel, you will need it, no matter who you are, but i say oust him right now and name me president or try to convince the pres to expose the scheme and require the id chip only for violent felons, domestic abusers, child molesters rapists and grand thieves.
peace and `,`,`ar
spread the `,`,`ord, please.
please sign these petitions to ban pedophiles from marrying their victims' moms and each other, and to save dog the bounty hunter...
and have your friends do it to;)
urge president bush to threaten mexican president calderon with military action if dog is prosecuted. and raise the age of sexual consent to 19.
comments@whitehouse.gov raid on dc in 8 days.
Thursday December 14, 2006 - 04:24pm (EST)
ysubl… Offline why is there still porn on yahoo 360? it says here that (Note: Do
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The Yahoo! 360 Team
`,`,`raise the age of consent to 18.
even if youre not a believer, in ysh`,`,`
do you believe pedophiles and rapists should be exiled, and
given the option to receive the id/passport card/microchip
gw bush and congress are going to require every man, woman,
child and pet to have by 2008 and probably sooner. christians,
which gw bush professes to be, know that the id chip is the mark
of the beast, which will condemn you to hell. even if religion is
a scheme to get christians to kill themselves thinking that they'll
raptured up, the tyranny and greed is intolerable in a free country.
you want to keep your money and travel, you will need it, no matter
who you are, but i say oust him right now and name me president or
try to convince the pres to expose the scheme and require the id chip
only for violent felons, domestic abusers, child molesters rapists
grand thieves.
peace and `,`,`ar
spread the `,`,`ord, please.
please sign these petitions to ban pedophiles from marrying their
victims' moms and each other, and to save dog the bounty hunter...
and have your friends do it to;)
urge president bush to threaten mexican president calderon with
military action if dog is prosecuted. and raise the age of sexual
consent to 19.
comments@whitehouse.gov raid on dc in 8 days.
sen levin - 202- 224-6221 sen warner - 202-224-2023 president bytch -
202-456-1111 sen specter - 202-224-4254 sen santorum - 202-224-6324 sen
kennedy - 202-224-4543 sen kerry - 202-224-2724 rep paul - 202-225-2831
sen lugar - 202-224-4814 sen mccain - 202-224-2235 spkr pelosi -
202-225- 4965
march on dc 12-22-06. join us.
it's hard to believe yall gettin upset over a little abusive free
speech. instead of making issue up outta the use of certain words. why
don't you try condemning ebophiles, pedophiles, real violence and sex
slave drivers in israel, cambodia and the us? and 12yo aosc in mexico,
bytch, 13 in the phillipines, 14 in iowa, hawaii, s carolina, israel
missouri? raise the aosc to 18. ban sex with 17yos and younger. 16 yos
can't vote, drink or join the military, nefarious freaks. 15yos can
freak in greece though legally. speak now and forever hold ur silence
contempt. you're under arrest.
12 of my email accts have been deleted expsoing this fraud and
fighting, murder, racism, sex slavery, pedophila, oppression, terrorism
and evil. dig, spread this around the world... not diseases and
pedophilia... sign this to ban pedophile marriage, please.
expose and destroy nambla.
seattle nambla
chandler, arizona nambla
plant city, florida nambla
`,`,`aste pedophiles. sign this to ban pedophile marriage..
there will be terrorism until our troops fight to protect the rights
of the pitiful cowards of nambla and of pedophile child molesters,
murderers, grand thieves and rapists to marry while denying the rights
of decent gays to do so, no more. 12 of my email accts and my 1st 3
myspace accts condemning pedophiles, racism, oppression and violence
have been deleted. sieze the white house or cut and run and good luck
trying to find a place to hide. behold, enduring glenn beck's lies w/o
opportunity to re in a comparable forum is torturous. gimme money, gold
and a tv show. glenn beck told katherine harris that he hates
politicians, but now he's calling rick "the anus" santorum,
what gives?
demolish nambla
march on dc 12-22-06. join us.
it's hard to believe yall gettin upset over a little abusive free
speech. instead of making issue up outta the use of certain words. why
don't you try condemning ebophiles, pedophiles, real violence and sex slave drivers in israel,
cambodia and the us? and 12yo aosc in mexico,
bytch, 13 in the phillipines, 14 in iowa, hawaii, s carolina, israel
missouri? raise the aosc to 18. ban sex with 17yos and younger. 16 yos
can't vote, drink or join the military, nefarious freaks. 15yos can
freak in greece though legally. speak now and forever hold ur silence in
contempt. you're under arrest.
1 answers
asked by