I have done it all. retin-A, differen, facials, pro-active,glycolic peels, microdermabrasion. My skin is very smooth & soft 2 the touch but doesnt look that way 2 the eye. I drink at least 4cups of water a day, 8 is just 2 much for my size. I eat pretty healthy, but do have junk every so often although they say that is not connected w/skin...my main problem is blemishes & very tiny little craters that almost look like enlarged pores ( i think i have these from messing w/my face 2 much, but they go away with microdermabrasion). I wish i could just have the skin of say Gabriele Union, I'm 24 should I just deal w/what I got or is there something out there? Right now i do the combo method, a little proactive, neutrogena deep pore, st ives apricot scrub, vichy cleanser, ddf acne scrub,vichy microdermabrasion @home, rubbing alcohol ( i know shoot me) & soy moisturizer w/spf this is just to maintain "decent" skin! I dont do all these things everyday, but they are worked into a weekly regimen.
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