If it matters, it is called "Oil Colours" or something .... I got these paints from my aunt, who said she didn't use them much. I've never used oil paints before ... I don't exactly know what to do. I tried to look it up elsewhere on the Internet, and got kind of confused on different things ... do I HAVE to have thinner? what's turpentine for? the difference between oil-based and oil paints? gah! I'm pretty confused. And currently, I only have this one canvas thing that she gave me with the paints, and I don't want to waste it by using the paints incorrectly. When I want to get more canvases, too, how much moola? I don't got none moola! Hopefully I can coax my mom into buying me some, if they're sort of cheap ....
Also, what should I paint? flowers, maybe. I think I'll go with a flower, cause I'm not hugely artistically talented .... or maybe I should go with abstract .... I like abstract. I'm good at that. any ideas? Anyways ....
Your help is much appreciated.
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