I have so much dang homework! Please help me; I have two panphlets of spanish, I have to write a two page essay for English, I have a history test I need to study for along with my spanish one that are going on tomorrow; I haven't even started my 88 algebra problems and I did finish my short story in spanish and two of those word searchs I am so bad at; and then some science that NO ONE in my house understands... anyhow, please, please help me with my spanish true or false:
_ Spain and France share the Iberian penisula
_ The Iberian Peinsula is in the southwest part of Europe
_ The Iberians were the first inhabitants of Spain
_ The Romans occupied Spain for seven centuries
PLEASE HELP; I have so much work to do and I still have to memorize my choir songs!! sorry for spelling mistakes I can't go back to reread this.
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