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Other - Society & Culture - 19 March 2007

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2007-03-19 12:31:43 · 3 answers · asked by Cuddly Lez 6

they are horrible horrible creatures. people who pick them up, then pretend they are getting away at you, and rebuke you for being 'silly'. evil

2007-03-19 12:29:22 · 1 answers · asked by Zen禅Maiden :ジェダイ 3

I read a question and 99 percent of the people had a bad day

2007-03-19 12:28:19 · 25 answers · asked by rbrulesamanda 2

do you like light skin girls or dark skin girls or does it matter? Im just trying to see. And if its what i think its gonna be, thats why i chose to not date blk men cuz i figure they wouldnt want a dark girl like me anyways.... so whats ur choice.


2007-03-19 12:28:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is for a survey so here are more questions....

1. What do you think of a snow day?
a. Horrible
b. Fantastic
c. Don’t care

2. If you think, it’s horrible why?
a. I have to stay home all day
b. It’s boring
c. I miss school
d. Other

3. If you think, it’s fantastic why?
a. Play in the snow
b. No school
c. More time to watch TV
d. Other

4. Are you a boy or a girl?
a. Boy
b. Girl

2007-03-19 12:25:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I lived in Guildford for 58 years, I have been away for 3. I was back last week, unfortunately, for a funeral. This is not really a question but I had forgotten how beautiful Guildford was. Practically every roundabout, every grass verge every open space, was covered in daffodils! I now live in Norfolk where daffs are grown in profusion in the fields but, they are not planted around the towns and villages. Well done Guildford for looking so gorgeous!

2007-03-19 12:18:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 12:17:57 · 2 answers · asked by kristine lovele n 1

2007-03-19 12:11:36 · 11 answers · asked by TiGG 2

Do Models really look as good in real life as they do on screen or in pictures? or is it just a camera trick? because i heard some people say Giselle looks really bad in real life and that Ana Beatriz Barros is realyl tall and super skinny and isnt attractive at all. SO whats up with that is it just the camera that makes them look good so their photogenic? or then do they really look like that gorgeous in real life?

2007-03-19 12:08:18 · 5 answers · asked by Stan 1

If you are not someone who generalizes things thats cool, but whats the first thing that pops in your mind?

2007-03-19 12:07:04 · 3 answers · asked by Bozo P 2

Which city do you feel (based on personal opinion or personal experience) is the best to live, work, and raise a family?

2007-03-19 12:04:31 · 3 answers · asked by charmed4evr 2

1) Playing on a tip and nearly slipped off the cliff into the sea
2) Misbalanced a blank of wood and should have snapped my neck
3) stood on a windowsill and slipped again should have snapped my neck
4) Played with an explosive charge thinking it was dead when it wasn't.
5) Same as 4) but this time it was a mortar shell
6) doing a handstand, drunk, in London and falling infront of a double decker bus
7) about 4 tonnes of toilet seats once fell on me
8) amoebic dysentary in Morocco
9) ecstasy overdose on my 28th birthday (never touched it since)
10) thankfully failed overdose attempt over a failed relationship.

2007-03-19 12:03:34 · 8 answers · asked by Icarus 6

It's like, what the hell is wrong with you. You live in the suburbs. You're emotional, why??? I think it's all just one big hormonal imbalance. And did you ever notice how all the "emo" guys are quite feminine? What's up with that?

It just makes me want to slap people.

2007-03-19 11:59:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not physically but emotionally. I've been betrayed and hurt in the past by women so I kinda want to hurt them back as revenge. I want to date them, gain there trust, and then cheat on them with a friend or family member of theres. I know it may seem wrong but I think its the only way to feel better again.

2007-03-19 11:58:42 · 27 answers · asked by cbcvb b 1

Normally they don't say anything but what can you tell from their behavior ?

2007-03-19 11:57:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example. I have a guy friend who loves Lifetime movies.
My brother is a chocolate junkie.

My guilty pleasure is soap operas!

2007-03-19 11:56:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I personally can't stand them... sorry, but the vast majority of them are just pathetic and lazy! stuffing your mouth and crying about how your so fat! pathetic! work out, please! i would never give up my seat to a fat person. sorry, but just because your fat does not mean you deserve a disabled parking permit, or having two seats on a plane for the price of one. stop huffing and complaining and work out!! it is your own fault that your fat, and your the only one that can change that! and if your happy with your size? good for you, but i never want to hear you complain about healthy people!

anyone agree?

2007-03-19 11:50:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does Anyone know who ACTUALLY Invented the Briefcase?and when?

2007-03-19 11:48:32 · 2 answers · asked by ASHERS 1

2007-03-19 11:42:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 11:40:21 · 4 answers · asked by SCOOBY 1

concerning the temporary expulsion from school of his child. Then when having received intelligent and i would consider less than critical answers. Leaves the whole of the Yahoo community in fear of tomorrows rant of how his child has been unfairly treated. It would appear to me that both he and his child are typical examples of the obnoxious familys that are the root problem of UK society today He complains that teachers are not strict or tough enough they should be Seargent Major type charachters which is so moronic a statement that it beggars belief he seems to have a problem with teachers who have answered him with helpful and couteous advice.I speak as ex soldier and well travelled engineer. I feel sorry for this child as the child neither respects or fears his Father and that is the problem I am sure if the teacher had struck his child he would be running for his lawyer right now for his precious child.
The Kid got yelled at and booted out for breaking the school rules !!!!!!!!

2007-03-19 11:38:34 · 3 answers · asked by Mack J 3

Today I saw a garbage truck take down a very large television,a couple of bikes, a couch and love seat and an eliptical machine. It was incredible. The crunching noises were unreal. Does anyone have any good stories?

2007-03-19 11:38:10 · 2 answers · asked by joe w 1

Many religious types have told me that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. I can't find this in the Bible ANYWHERE. Does anyone know why God doesn't like Gay people? Does He also hate show-tunes and brunch? Will I go to Hell for for eating Eggs-Benedict after 11am and seeing "Cats" 5 times? HELP! ADVICE!

2007-03-19 11:32:11 · 30 answers · asked by blytle68 2

I will not discriminate against homosexuality, but i have never understood and gladly accepted it. I'm baffled by the nature homosexuality. For example, a girl changes to a male, and still falls in love with a male? It would have been simpler staying a woman and loving a man..
Why are gay men attracted to other males, but look for commercial options to substitute female genitals? Why didn't they stay with a woman.
I personally believe anal sex is disgusting and sex is not its appropriate function.
I would have more respect if gay people were attracted to the opposite sex, but do not indulge in dirty things or try to immitate female parts or male parts on their partners...
Can somebody give me a logical explanation?

2007-03-19 11:21:21 · 3 answers · asked by She-whom-shall-not-be-named 4

Angelina and brad moving to New Orleans, a commerical with celebrities promoting the return of people to New Orleans, Live with Regis and Kelly planning to tape shows there, U2 and Greenday recording the Saints are coming, numerous actors and artists speaking about the disaster. Lately i think the entertainment world(minus the bad half like paris hilton and ET) has done a lot more for causes then the government. Especially with the tatrina disaster, government doesn't care, celebrites have stepped up, there are a lot of good people out there trying to make a difference. who would you trust now to help you if you we're personally in trouble a celebrity or a government offical?

2007-03-19 11:18:57 · 3 answers · asked by lifeoutsidethecircle 3

2007-03-19 11:16:47 · 4 answers · asked by yep 2

2007-03-19 11:11:12 · 16 answers · asked by moist body 1

He pointed at me like he would fight with me
not like it was hello to you at all?
Should eye avoid him?

2007-03-19 11:02:22 · 2 answers · asked by charlaxhice 2

you can't wish for more wishes or money

2007-03-19 11:00:17 · 15 answers · asked by lananoki2mahone 1

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