There are a billion hypotheses floating around as to the meaning of 666 (or at least, it feels that way). What do you think it represents?
Irenaeus suggested that the number indicates that the beast is the sum of all apostasy committed over the course of six thousand years.[23]
Robert Graves suggested that DCLXVI, 666 in Roman numerals, is an abbreviation for the Latin sentence “Domitianus Caesar Legatos Xti Violenter Interfecit”, or “The Emperor Domitian violently killed the envoys of Christ”.[24]
The Roman numeral writing of 666, "DCLXVI" is also the first six Roman numerals, written in descending order.
In Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), the number 666 may be considered mystical and holy and may represent the physical universe.[25]
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the Beast for which 666 stands symbolizes many governments.
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