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Economics - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Economics

Why are mixed economies more popular than either command or market economies?

2006-10-09 00:27:05 · 4 answers · asked by kindle_beauty24 1

communism was the most extreme injustice - taking everything off everyone and giving it to the top man

i'm talking about the opposite of that - something as sustainable as communism was unsustainable

im talking about the opposite of present capitalism - something as sustainable as present capitalism is unsustainable

present capitalism has 1% getting 90% of world income - ie, 10% away from 1% getting 100% of world income - ie, near perfect slavery - near perfect injustice, near total theft, near total destruction, and near nuclear extinction

the 225 most overpaid ppl hav as much as the 2,500,000,000 most underpaid ppl

the state [globe] built on injustice cannot stand

the founding fathers did their best to limit fortunes - because they knew that unlimited fortunes was tyranny, theft, injustice, undemocracy, unfreedom, terrorism, fascism, dictatorship, evil, slavery, violence, war, crime, destruction, betrayal - every empire has crumbled with extreme overpay underpay

2006-10-09 00:07:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is the world annual income?

i am using the figure of US$75 trillion, based on sprout and weaver, kyklos, v45, 1992, international distribution of income, 1960-1987, p238-256 - which gives world annual income 1987 $25 trillion - at the 6% global inflation figure they give, that would become $75 tn in 2006 - US$75,000 per family av

but if you start with 1987 US$25 tn, and add the actual global inflation figures since then - 15,15,15,30,30,30,30,30,8,8,8,8,8,4,4,4,4% - you arrive at a figure of $275 tn - making the world av ann family income around $275,000

i hav seen figures of $36 tn and $60 tn for 2004

are the ptb giving us understatements of world icnome and pocketing the rest???????

US$275 tn would yield world av /hr rates around US$50 [if we pay all homemakers and tertiary students also, which in justice/nontheft we should]

are there secret trillionaires?

2006-10-08 23:54:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

if ppl could just give up their strange perverse idolatrous love affair with 0.01% having superwealth, superoverpay, and just pass a few laws to limit fortunes to the most a person can earn in a lifetime [ie, contribute to society by their own work], as the founding fathers wanted, every family IN THE WORLD working av hard would hav US$75,000 a yr - ie all that they earn, all the money they make by their own work

there would be no tyrants, because tyranny is impossible without superoverpay - which means no fomenting wars, and sending the people off as cannonfodder regularly - no destruction of liberty equality and fraternity [friendliness, social safety] - no corruption of govt - no one more powerful than the citizen - no poverty to fear and hate and hav to avoid and worry about - no danger from above, from overpower, or below, from righteous resentment of slavery [euphemism: underprivilege] - no endless fighting, everyone against everyone - no state terrorism, 9/11s - wouldnt it???

2006-10-08 23:30:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

impact of industrialization on the declining agricultural production in the philippines

2006-10-08 23:23:14 · 2 answers · asked by pooh 1

please help. calling on all economists =D

2006-10-08 23:12:42 · 2 answers · asked by Kendra 3

we hav it on the authority of galbraith ['dean of economists'] that 'liberty equality fraternity' cultures like the scandinavian hav highest capital formation - extreme overpaid/underpaid countries like middle east hav ZERO capital formation - and wealth/poverty countries like america hav low capital formation, ie relatively HIGH cost of money

[egalitarian cultures also hav highest real income growth]

i guess the reason is that in egal societies, there is a PLATEAU of success - a perceivable social LEVEL - when ppl reach it, they can relax and save - there is no poverty to fear falling into

with wealthpoverty cultures like america, there is no resting place, just a slippery slope - the wealthy hav no rest, there are always 'jones's' higher up, and the yawning pit of poverty straight below - hence stress, dogeatdog culture [americans SNARL, GROWL a lot], mental disease - putting others down heavily: a schoolyard normal sport

an unliberty inequality unfraternity culture

2006-10-08 22:58:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

50,000 times av pay - not even super-superman cd work 50,000 times harder - ppl still come out with 'his hard work ... worked his *** off ... his life's labour ... competition prevents overcharging ... charity ... donated lot of money ...not overcharging when ppl willing ... choice not to buy'

no one can work more than twice av - probably much less than twice - average is 60 hrs/wk - [homemakers [=half the workforce]: 70-90 hrs/wk - 3rd wrld have to work harder than av] - no one can work more than 120 hrs/wk - and there is no reason to ASSUME he worked harder than av - the charity defense is covered by 'steal the pig and give the feet in charity' - the 'voluntary' defense is answered by: the transaction is voluntary when there is a choice between microsoft and the same at a fair [ie, full costs = full work input] price at the same place

we KNOW that the profits were bc of high demand low supply, plus patent & other monopolism, assoc with new technolgy - ie, NOT bc of bill's labor

2006-10-08 22:29:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-08 21:36:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

ppl think: a rich person has all this money and s/he employs ppl, thank god for rich ppl!

but if the rich person got his money by overcharging, then arent you really being employed by money stolen from now-poor ppl?

over 1/4 of the price of a microsoft computer goes to bill gates IN RETURN FOR NOTHING - his fairpay for his work is part of costs

[it only takes a personal av annual profit rate of 36% to turn the 5 million he started with into the 50+ billion he has, 30 years later - ie, the 30th root of 10,000 is 1.36] - and there are many microsoft millionaires - ie, the total costs of making microsoft ware may be as little as a 1/4 of price

proverb: the poor man pays for all

the poorer the person, the more certain it is that he ISNT a thief

the richer the person, the more certain it is that he IS a thief

[the maximum EARNABLE fortune is only around US$1 million - 'the only honest way to make a million is to save $500 a week for 40 years']

are we all backtofront?

2006-10-08 20:46:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my understanding is that

repayments exceed loans to third world countries by $200 billion, ie the third world is giving $200 billion a year aid to first world -

also, that 80% of loans are spent in first world countries -

also, that most aid is military, so that those countries can enforce first world control on the third world

that most aid is given to strategic countries, ie, in first world's defence interests -

so that the first world extends its power and control through the third world through national leaders who are actually first world friends or puppets [made friendly by big bribes] and the first world gets the poor to repay the loans used to buy the weapons that are used to oppress them

which when you think of it, is no different from taxing the first world poor to pay for the weapons used to oppress the home population - the usual story: kings taxing the ppl into the ground to pay for his wars of conquest at home and abroad

2006-10-08 20:21:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

if we didnt torture interns for years with dangerously long hours & sleep deprivation, and we paid doctors to study [as in justice we should, since study is work], would doctors be more plentiful, cheaper, and less idolised and more real and ordinary and natural?

is the punishing internship and the long years part of a plan to keep numbers low and therefore price of doctors high?

[adam smith [father of economics] said: people never get into a group except to defraud the people

and shakespeare said similarly: there is unlimited profit in limited professions

AMA: when america was being flooded with highly trained european doctors before and during ww2, the numbers of doctors did not increase at all - they were kept out by pretending that american doctoring was so different from european

chemists, plumbers use the same trick - any expensive profession - it is only because of limiting the profession - govts could intervene to decide numbers so these professions were not expe

2006-10-08 20:07:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-08 18:01:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

some ppl argue that unlimited fortunes r just, rewarding innovation, entrprise, hard wrk, etc -
that limiting fortunes wd hold these energetic ppl down, stop them working, striving, excelling

the fine upstanding heroic brave hunter should not have to share his meat with the no-hopers who spend all day around the campfire smoking, gassing & screwing - i agree

but we are not in a pre-job-specialisatn society, where each man can get only what he earns - job-spec. means trading, means pooling the products of work, means ability to take out more than you put in by yr work

we are not talking about taking his hardearned kill - we are talking about restricting the hunter to his kill - making a killing on the stckmkt is taking out more than you put in

eg, a persn wrks 1 hr, gets $100 - $10,000,000 - which he then cOnverts into product of 10-1,000,000 hrs work [wrld av pay $10/hr 1998 $s] - puts in 1 hr, gets mlln hrs - theft,anger,war,misery


2006-10-08 15:55:17 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

This may seem like a obvious question right?
Take a minute to think about it...
(I didn't know where to put this question so i thought to put it under, where i read it )

Now consider these facts

There is one drowning for every 11 000 residential pools in the US
Therefore roughly 550 children in america drown every year

There is one child killed for every million or so guns
So it is estimated that 175 children die each ear for guns

Do we automatically assume that the pool is safer then a gun?
Don't pools kill more then guns, especially since we have more guns then swimming pool?

It takes less then 30 seconds for a child to drown, often noiselessly.
An infant can drown in even a couple of inches of water.

My point?
Has people been underthinking or have I been overthinking?
Is it because of the fact swimming pool accidents seem more preventable so they actually seem safer?

2006-10-08 15:47:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

An economist was pondering on the fair distribution of 1000 units scarce opportunities and benefits to a group of 100 respondents with the following characteristics:
1.10% belong to the upper rich leisure class, powerful and influential
2.40% belong to the hard working educated MIDDLE CLASS, AMBITIOUS AND HARD-WORKING
3.50% belong to the lower poor class without proper education and born without any opportunities in life because they are trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty
1.What is the basic dilemma about in this situation?
2.What are the conceptual analytical skills involved in this dilemma?
3.What are the linguistic analytical skills in this situation?
4.What are the arguments and counter-arguments in this situation?
5.What arer the errors in reasoning involved in this situation?
6.And which argument is stronger in this situation?

2006-10-08 15:24:43 · 2 answers · asked by h m 1

first world plundered [euphemism: colonised] third world for centuries

russia backward in international trade, industrial revolution and imperialism 1500-1950

millions of african slaves in nth america, africa, west indies - european empires robbed, massacred & enslaved in china, asia, sth america

1st wrld enslaving most of world over centuries must have had some effect on world overpay and underpay

those who compare first world and second world are ignoring centuries of 1st wrld global imperialism?

[why crime doesnt pay: plunderers get plundered - european empires r already plundered, decayed - america buckling under cost of global selfdefense - the plundered get hard, the plunderers get soft - third world going from 20% to 80% of world wealth 1960-2050 - topsoil loss 1% a yr - population 40 billion by 2050 - 95% black/brown - ie, huge pop.s fighting over shrinking land - ie, goths & vandals x 1,000,000 - 1st wrld's only defense: nuclear

better teach ppl equality qk!

2006-10-08 15:23:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i believe it is in EVERYONE'S interests to pay them the same [after paying tertiary students the world av hrly pay of US$15/hr [2006] - if they pass exams, oc - calculating on students studying 50 hrs/wk, for simplicity]

my reasons 1] because they sacrifice the same amount of themselves [time, energy] - the doctor has more brains, but brains are a gift of nature - it is no cost to the doctor to use them

2] because human dignity requires it

3] because treating ppl [& thinking of self] as inferior or superior is bad for human character and social harmony - is putting cracks in society

4] because unequal hrly pay is unequal political power, and inequality grows endlessly, and destroys democracy, equality, peace and the state

5] because inequality [social contempt, selfawarded privilege] is resented and revenged ['cultural revolutions', fascist anti-intellectualism - 60% of nazi party: primary school teachers]

simpl means: just limitation of fortunes & spreading excess

2006-10-08 14:40:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


how can both parties profit from transaction? - amazing that this argument is popular and uncontested in economics classes - the values of the items have to be different, ie have to be x and x+y

the fallacy is in the 'voluntary' - it is voluntary in that no one is forcing anyone to exchange, but it is involuntary in that the transactors hav incomplete information - they are being 'forced' by lack of information - the buyer is very unlikely to hav a clue how much the thing costs to make - price should [for justice, peace, nontheft, nonviolence] be equal to total costs [including fairpay for owners] - then it is 'fair exchange no robbery' -

the proper purpose of exchange is to mix the products made by job specialisation - not to shift value from earner to nonearner - but dishonesty strives to make y as big as possible, and ignorance of the horrific dangers of injustice [war, crime, nuclear winter] fails to censure this theft, and counterbalance it in any effective way

2006-10-08 14:12:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-08 13:06:56 · 4 answers · asked by Lenten 1

Why do brides spend so much on one-wear-only wedding dresses, whereas grooms often rent cheap tuxedos, even though grooms could wear the same tuxedos on many other occation and brides will probably never wear their dresses again?

2006-10-08 12:50:27 · 16 answers · asked by 0421 3

Have shorter working hours per day, week, and have a couple of months of vacation as well.

2006-10-08 12:08:45 · 3 answers · asked by Jessica A 1

ive been thinking about this.. but i dont know and how can i cmpare feudalism and capitalism with the responce...?

2006-10-08 11:12:22 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please also tell me the webpage of the place where found it...

2006-10-08 09:34:58 · 6 answers · asked by Jay 3

i think it is.. but im trying to think why....

2006-10-08 09:29:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-08 07:49:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-08 07:23:27 · 3 answers · asked by monica 1

fedest.com, questions and answers