Lets clear things up, I owned an xb360, so not to sound like an xb360 hater, but what's up with the new "Elite"? I saw on Gamespot the unvailing of the new console. People are all hyped up about it and almost everyone wanted to buy one, and those are the ones that already own a 360. Imagine this, the new features are the color black, the HDMI port, 120GB hard drive, and the price = 479. To me it's the exact same xb360 with a new color, a larger hard drive and an HDMI port that really won't be necessary since the majority of the games display 720p-1080i anway. Ok, here is where it gets confusing; the poeple on the forums complained about the PS3 price that it cost too much and yet they are willing to spend basically another 500 on top of already owning a 360 to buy an "Elite". Put it this way, they are willing to spend roughly 900 on two 360s than on one super computer in the PS3 that already has everything built-in. A wise choice, you tell or victims of M$ making money off ignorance?
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