I always loved playstation, I have a ps1 and 2 but the ps3 is way too expensive and has only one game that gets me excited (metal gear solid 4) and that's not out until 2007. The Wii on the other hand has a pretty nifty controller, the fee-motion technology looks extremely entertaining. But what really interests me is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, it looks amazing. Zelda OOT on my n64 was one of the best, if not the best game i've ever played. The only thing stoping me from geting a Wii is 3rd party support, will there be enough? This seems to be changing and there seems to be more support but you can never be sure. I will most probably get a Wii sooner or later (Zelda makes me lean closer to sooner) but i'm not sure about the ps3. What do you think?
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jewl 32